Morpheus would say, “Neo is the one”

Like Morpheus submitted Neo with choice, the choice between the red pill and the blue pill. Morpheus said "You take the blue pill... the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe about this prehistoric wonderful and almost holy grail creature. You take the red pill... you stay in Wonderland, you’ll drive 10 hours and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes and what this wonderful creature has to offer"

With many thanks to my friend @Mendez for providing me the lead and even more thanks for the dedication and trust of one our European forum members @arno for trying and even successful breeding this grail chameleon. Demand is higher than supply and 9 out of 10 I didn’t got any response from breeders or if responded that non are available.

So why the red and blue pill comparison? As many may have seen my post about my dream enclosure, which I build lately and was made with future thoughts for also my dream chameleon. Due the tip and contact via instagram, I came at that point to choose which pill. The blue pill, it isn’t the moment right now, need to wait a few years and probably I get that chance again. Or take the red pill, the enclosure is ready and I only need to build another enclosure / free range, because this probably is a once in your lifetime opportunity.
Well last night a made the 10 hour drive to pick him/her up in France. At the moment the gender is still not defined and maybe @Action Jackson @Motherlode Chameleon @jamest0o0 can add in their opinion and expertise. Regardless its gender, we gave him/her a name.

A long story short, Neo the 10 month old CB Orange Eye Parsons says hi 😍😍

Neo’s ride home through 3 countries
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And some love shots
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Neo first steps in his new home

A small vid of Neo drinking

His colors are so beautiful!! 🤩
Wow she is amazing!! Sorry if you said it before but how old is she, I know shes a parsons but MAN she’s huge!
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