
I wouldnt use anything ! Just leave it bare at the bottom, easier to clean! I think u can use it for ur plants ontop of ur soil so ur cham cant get to your soil! But i wouldnt use anythin at the bottom will just make ur life easier and safer for ur cham!
I wouldnt use anything ! Just leave it bare at the bottom, easier to clean! I think u can use it for ur plants ontop of ur soil so ur cham cant get to your soil! But i wouldnt use anythin at the bottom will just make ur life easier and safer for ur cham!

But by not using anything on the bottom, keeping the humidity at a suitable level is a lot harder, so does it really make your life easier? I would say no, unless you live in a humid environment.

I use moss in a couple of my terraria (those that I keep pygmy chameleons in). It looks very natural and as for pygmy chams, they sometimes use it to hide their eggs underneath it. Needless to say, jacksons don't do that :rolleyes: but I don't see any problems.
That's not true.
I have moss in several of my terrariums, it all depends on how you built your terrarium.
You can have a moist substrate with moss growing and still have a humidity as low as 70% or lower.
Ive kept moss on top of potted plants in a jackson setup.

My outdoor cages have a little moss on the bottom as well.

If you can keep it alive, it will help with humidity, and beautification...
A Jackson cage will not be humid enough for moss on the bottom. It will just die.

If its not humid enough in a Jacksons cage then one isnt providing necessary humidity for a Jacksons.

I also use moss for the tops of my potted plants and it does fine. Maryland can get humid in the summer but its not constantly humid and the moss does just fine outside spring through fall.

As far as keeping it on the bottom of a screened enclosure with a plastic bottom. Im not so sure the moss will have a rough enough space to get a grip on. It might not matter though.
What kind of moss do you use? I've tried the stupid frog/pillow moss and it always dies in a month or two, even in my very humid pyg cages. What's the secret?
Pretty much just need to keep it moist with alot of light. Im growing it on the walls of my pyg tanks no problem. I have some moss gather from outside and some java moss both work great.
I have used sphagnum moss and had great success with it. I dont use it with babies, but my adult veileds have no problem with it
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