Moth Culture - what's a better food media ?

little leaf

Avid Member
these are by far my baby Jax favorite food , even more so than flies - I have been growing these for about 4 mos, they are really starting to reproduce nicely, but does anyone raise these ? I was looking for a better food media - this was started by just dumping some peanut-butter puff cereal in a deli, and leaving it alone ( I know - GROSS ! ) I saw on FB ( so it must be true - lol ) this lady had some cereal she showed, and it was full of moths - but is there a better food source for them, I was thinking of using flour - any suggestions ? they are about out of the original food - and what are these called - lol flour moths?


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Mix a few different types of flour. Put about 2" in a deli cup and add a lightly crumbled coffee filter. Stick on a warm shelf and you'll have more then you know what to do with.

Just a warning though if they get loose in the house they are a ***** to get rid of.

Mix a few different types of flour. Put about 2" in a deli cup and add a lightly crumbled coffee filter. Stick on a warm shelf and you'll have more then you know what to do with.

Just a warning though if they get loose in the house they are a ***** to get rid of.


So are children...:p

You need something a bit bigger than a deli cup to catch children though. Otherwise, basically the same principle.
That's cool! Does it work with any cereal, or just peanut butter puffs?

apparently, they also like to breed in old " Hungry Jack- chocolate chip pancake mix" - :p when I was looking for something to put in with them, I knew we had that in the camper - it also had the same worms and moths - EWWWW :eek: :p

I think it must be any old flour / wheat based food - the baby Jax love both the worms, but really go after the moths, and they are the perfect size for newborns and hatchlings :)

Nick, you are SOOOOOO bad !! :p
I found the best way to catch a lose child is leave an unattended $20 on the table - to repel them, leave a chore list - they disappear faster than you can believe ;) :p
They also seem to like seasoning mixes. I had to go through all the kitchen cupboards last week, as I had moths everywhere! I found a couple of Trader Joe's seasonings that they had got into somehow. I hadn't even opened the container! But I could see webbing into the trash. Also, some places I didn't realy expect to find them. Wooden box of tea bags from Canada, oats container, (they usually prefer something tastier) Familia cereal, which is annoying as it's expensive and I really like it! I have found them in soup packets before, but not this time, eg Knorr soup mix.
It's been so hot for so long this summer, which is why they're so bad I think.
My cats catch some, but it's pretty hopeless!
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