Mounting pots


New Member
I have a pothos with a 6" pot I would really like to mount. I have read around the forums and I am not entirely comfortable with hanging it with fishing wire. I have gardening wire (quite strong) and I was wondering if it would be strong enough to hole punch a couple holes into the pot and secure it to the walls of the enclosure. I could also add a thicker branch under it to provide some weight support. Has anyone mounted a plant in the past w/ a more secure way of doing so without damaging the enclosure?
Fishing line at the appropriate test is more than adequate. 50lb test is what I used and it's virtually invisible. I attached my big pothos to a dowel run across the top of the cage. No issues after 15 months. As long as you are good with knots you should have any problems.
I used this sturdy green wire I have for wreath making and it worked very well. I did as you said and have two holes in the pot, through the wire cage and twisted together BUT I was also concerned it wouldn't be a good enough way to hold it up there so I took a bendable vine, looped it around the pot, and secured it to the walls. You can barely make this out in the top right corner of my profile picture.

I have been thinking that if I could find safe glue to use or anothe way to secure them, I would REALLY like to attach magnets to everything. I have one vine from LLReptile that came with a magnet and it seems to be a great way to attach things to the walls!
Wow, I have heard of Dragon Strand before but I completely forgot about them! I will definitely look into that, $32 for a 4-pack is well worth the price IMO. For now, I will try what HerbertHancock did because I also have a bendy vine & I will see how it goes. Thank you everyone for the responses, they were all very helpful :)
I have a pothos with a 6" pot I would really like to mount. I have read around the forums and I am not entirely comfortable with hanging it with fishing wire. I have gardening wire (quite strong) and I was wondering if it would be strong enough to hole punch a couple holes into the pot and secure it to the walls of the enclosure. I could also add a thicker branch under it to provide some weight support. Has anyone mounted a plant in the past w/ a more secure way of doing so without damaging the enclosure?

I have the ledges and I put 1 along the back at the top around 8" down along with 1 on each side around the same height. I zip tied a branch tp the top of my plant just big enough to put it caddy corner in the enclosure.
i put fishing line through the top of my screen cage and tied it to a short dowel that sits on top and it holds perfect
I bought an 8' x 1.5" x 3/4" board from Lowes hardware store. I cut it into 18" lengths to fit across the top of my large ReptiBreeze enclosures or 24" to fit across the top of my Veiled's x-large ReptiBreeze. The ends of the board rest on the frame of the enclosure NOT the screen. Then I put my hand inside the enclosure and screw a coffee cup hook through the top screen into the board. Then I hang a hanging plant, like a pothos, from the hook. It is VERY secure and looks fantastic.
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