"Muted" colors


Established Member
I've been noticing that Kronin is not usually displaying his full pallet of colors normally and I'm just curious why. I know they only "flare up" as an emotional response to various stimuli but I've seen pics of chams of similar age showing far more color. Just wanna make sure it's not cause of something I'm doing wrong. Here's the form info followed by some pics (his basking spot has been lowered several inches from where it is in the pics):
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Panther, ~6mo (got him from a pet store)
  • Handling - Only to remove him for deep cleans and a wellness check when I first got him. So only 3-4 times so far
  • Feeding - Only gotten him to eat crickets and supers so far. 8-10 feeders daily. Gut loaded with Flukers cricket diet and quencher
  • Supplements - Repticalcium w/o D3 every feeding Flukers reptile vitamin (w/ D3) once a month
  • Watering - Mist twice a day with a small hand bottle. I occasionally see him drink
  • Fecal Description - medium brown solid feces, white urates. Never been tested for parasites
  • History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - 18x18x30 reptibreeze w/ clear shower curtain wrapped around 3 sides (getting small for his age, I know. I'm in the planning process of building him a bigger cage)
  • Lighting - Not sure of the models but whatever comes in the Reptibreeze "starter" kit.
  • Temperature - 93° basking spot to 75° ambient temperature at the bottom
  • Humidity - 80% spikes during misting to 50% in between mistings.
  • Plants - One Schefflera and two fake vines, one thick and one thin
  • Placement - 3 feet from the only vent in my room and the nearest window, on a dresser, the top of the lights are about an inch from the ceiling
  • Location - Kentucky


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And when I say "full pallet" I mean that when he gets pale before bed I can see plenty of reds, yellows, and oranges, that he's not displaying in the included pics
Most likely just a phase! They don't reach their full color potential till they are about a year and a half old! Some of the most stunning adult Panthers I have had went through that phase! Panthers also goes through seasonal color changes! If he acts normal, eats well and drinks well he is probably just going through a phase.
Glad to hear! As someone who's brand new to chameleon husbandry, I've constantly got the thought in the back of my mind "am I doing everything right?" And I know there are a few things I could be doing better. For example I know I should be offering a better variety of food but I've been having trouble finding effective modes of delivery. My main concern is keeping them off the floor of the enclosure, which is exposed to all the feces and whatever else may drain down with the water. Crickets do a decent job of staying on the walls of the cage and supers I can feed with tongs (though sometimes he accidentally grabs the tongs, which I'm worried might not be good) but I first tried a small dish to feed the supers from and he completely ignored them. I'm worried he'd do the same with anything I put in a dish.
how many times has he shed since you've had it? not sure if its the quality of the photo but another possibility is it looks like it may be getting ready to shed. If these pics are post shed, then Matt's suggestion is the most likely scenario. If you've had it for a few weeks and it has not shed, then it may be coming very soon.
I've been noticing that Kronin is not usually displaying his full pallet of colors normally and I'm just curious why. I know they only "flare up" as an emotional response to various stimuli but I've seen pics of chams of similar age showing far more color. Just wanna make sure it's not cause of something I'm doing wrong. Here's the form info followed by some pics (his basking spot has been lowered several inches from where it is in the pics):
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Panther, ~6mo (got him from a pet store)
  • Handling - Only to remove him for deep cleans and a wellness check when I first got him. So only 3-4 times so far
  • Feeding - Only gotten him to eat crickets and supers so far. 8-10 feeders daily. Gut loaded with Flukers cricket diet and quencher
  • Supplements - Repticalcium w/o D3 every feeding Flukers reptile vitamin (w/ D3) once a month
  • Watering - Mist twice a day with a small hand bottle. I occasionally see him drink
  • Fecal Description - medium brown solid feces, white urates. Never been tested for parasites
  • History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - 18x18x30 reptibreeze w/ clear shower curtain wrapped around 3 sides (getting small for his age, I know. I'm in the planning process of building him a bigger cage)
  • Lighting - Not sure of the models but whatever comes in the Reptibreeze "starter" kit.
  • Temperature - 93° basking spot to 75° ambient temperature at the bottom
  • Humidity - 80% spikes during misting to 50% in between mistings.
  • Plants - One Schefflera and two fake vines, one thick and one thin
  • Placement - 3 feet from the only vent in my room and the nearest window, on a dresser, the top of the lights are about an inch from the ceiling
  • Location - Kentucky
The Fluker’s cricket diet isn’t the best gutload, try Mazuri, Sticky Tongue Farms Vit-all, Cricket Crack, Repashy, etc. When you get the money, upgrade to a t5HO linear uvb fixture and bulb, like an Arcadia 6%, and possibly an automated misting system. Is the vent blowing towards the cage? Great job on everything else!
The Fluker’s cricket diet isn’t the best gutload, try Mazuri, Sticky Tongue Farms Vit-all, Cricket Crack, Repashy, etc. When you get the money, upgrade to a t5HO linear uvb fixture and bulb, like an Arcadia 6%, and possibly an automated misting system. Is the vent blowing towards the cage? Great job on everything else!
Also, roaches like red runners are bright and move a lot, so they could interest your cham to a feeding cup. They can’t climb or fly and will add a nutritious variety towards his diet. Pupated BSFL are great, too, lots of movement!
how many times has he shed since you've had it? not sure if its the quality of the photo but another possibility is it looks like it may be getting ready to shed. If these pics are post shed, then Matt's suggestion is the most likely scenario. If you've had it for a few weeks and it has not shed, then it may be coming very soon.
He has shed 3-4 times in the 4 months that I've had him. Come to think of it, the first two pics may have been right before a shed. But the last one was definitely post-shed. Will it be a while before he starts displaying his bands as anything other than black?
In addition to the above, I have two more comments:

(1) You need to add a multivitamin in addition to the supplements you're using. Dust with it twice a month
(2) The basking spot is too high for a panther. You want it at ~85F
In addition to the above, I have two more comments:

(1) You need to add a multivitamin in addition to the supplements you're using. Dust with it twice a month
(2) The basking spot is too high for a panther. You want it at ~85F
He has a vitamin supplement, I agree but if he’s full grown, I say max of 90*- just my personal opinion along with my vet’s
Oh, I see. They're using a multivitamin + D3 combo. I wouldn't personally go that route. Like to keep everything separate and measured.

I take the temp advice from the caresheet on here. Either way, 93 is too hot.
I also make sure the basking spot is lower than 90, to account for my cham’s height, so the top of their back will be at 90*
My apologies, the 93 must've been from when the basking vines was where it is in the first two pics and that the pics of him were right before a shed. Here it is today as well as pics of Kronin today. Going back to my original question: I'm curious why bluish green is the only color he ever really shows off and his bands are always black. I'll try to get some pics tonight to show you that he does have other colors available. Though, hopefully Matt is right and it's just a phase.


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I don't have any recent pics and I'm at work now but the only differences between this and now are a) the plant lost half it's branches a couple months ago but it's slowly regrowing (I plan on getting a grow light to help with that) b) I've removed the carpet, and c) there's a second, much sturdier branch in it now.


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My panther (bluebar ambilobe) lost most of his reds/oranges but seems healthy otherwise...
It's a shame because these colors made the other colors pop more.

I did some searching and came across a topic of ferretinmyshoes that had a similar experience with a panther, it came out looking better than before...
I'll just wait for the phase to pass and as long as he seems healthy that's good enough for me.
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