My baby veiled chameleon fell bout 8 inches yesterday, I'm worried!!

SUPPLEMENTS??? I don't see that you've got any supplements for your feeders. Without them, your cham will die. Please do some research on this site for supplement information!
SUPPLEMENTS??? I don't see that you've got any supplements for your feeders. Without them, your cham will die. Please do some research on this site for supplement information!

oops i missed the line for the supplements, he is getting them!!
i dust the crickets right before feeding with Zoo Med's Reptivite with D3 and Zoo Med's Calcium with D3 everyday. I've gotten some different views on that however, i've been told to do that with every feeding and some other people have said to only do that with feedings a couple times a week. :confused:
Hi, welcome to the forums.

They are capable of taking falls. There are the unfortunate falls but 9.999 times out of 10 they escape with no injuries.

At a young age and heck sometimes all the through there life they are somewhat shy. Your kid is new. Its best to put the cage up high in the room for now and only visit the cage when neccessary. I know it is hard not to want to go look at him or her but you have to restrain yourself right now. Let him get acclimated and then start presenting yourself a tad more with time.

Please fill this out so we can be sure he will acclimate as fast as he will allow.

in the help form, i accidentally skipped the supplements line. i dust the crickets right before feeding everyday with Zoo Med's Reptivite with D3 as well as Zoo Med's Calcium with D3. I've heard several things about this however, some people say it should be done with every feeding while others say it should only be done with feedings several times a week. I'm not sure what to go with, at this point i've been doing it every day.
What works for most people on the forum is to have a plain calcium powder with no D3 in it for everyday dusting. Use the D3 just twice a month, and a reptile multivit once or twice a month.
This depends on the concentration of D3 in the powder though.
What works for most people on the forum is to have a plain calcium powder with no D3 in it for everyday dusting. Use the D3 just twice a month, and a reptile multivit once or twice a month.
This depends on the concentration of D3 in the powder though.

in the calcium powder, the D3 concentration is 10,390 IU.
in the Reptivite the D3 concentration is 10,390 IU as well.
Will it hurt him to have too much of these? i've used them every day since we got him! :(
and it says on the bottles to use it for every feeding! i gotta get this figured out because i dont want him getting sick from them or not getting enough of them either. Thanks so much for all the replies and help everyone, i've still got alot to learn about my new baby!!
To be on the safe side, I would buy a plain calcium to supplement with everyday. You really don't want to risk it.

My schedule is:
Every day: plain calcium
The 13th of every month: calcium with d3
The 23rd of every month: reptivite
To be on the safe side, I would buy a plain calcium to supplement with everyday. You really don't want to risk it.

My schedule is:
Every day: plain calcium
The 13th of every month: calcium with d3
The 23rd of every month: reptivite

okay i'm going to get the plain calcium supplement today. thank you for the info!! i can't believe how fast my little guy is growing, he shed yesterday and appears to be quite a bit bigger!! i'm glad i was given all this information so he can grow strong and have good bones :D
now im noticing that he is closing on of his eyes for about 3 seconds then opening it again. he's doing this repeatedly, what does this mean?? im taking him up to the pet emporium i got him from and the owners gonna check him out, any ideas in the meantime??
Could have something in his eye. An extra misting session with some warm water may help. Start by misting near him, and slowly let some mist his face. He may not like it though. You may just want to spray the leves near him and he may rub against them on his own.
i just misted the tank and him lightly. right as i was pulling out of the tank he made a kinda coughing sound. i dont kno if this may be a sign of a URI or if he was doing his baby attempt at a hiss, i've never heard him hiss before. im really worried. he shed yesterday also if that helps any
Sounds like he's not too happy being misted. I would allow your new one to settle in for a few days and get used to things. Just observe from a little distance off and I bet he will be fine. If the eye problem doesn't go away soon, that's when I would look to do more. It is possible that there is a bit of shed still left near the eye. I wouldn't worry too much unless the eye stays closed for long periods during the day.
so you think that was a hiss? he doesnt make any sounds when breathing, im just really worried that it could be the beginning of a LRI or URI. he hasnt shut his eye for the last hour so thats good he was closing it every few seconds.
the temp is 89 degrees fahrenheit and the humidity is 50 should i try to adjust any of that? i pulled his uvb light higher up from the cage because i read that could cause eye problems
Yes, I think it was a hiss. He is showing he is not happy and feels a bit threatened, or is just letting you know who is boss. :p
Here's a look at my lighting for my veiled.
I wouldn't worry too much about moving lights and all that unless your basking temps need adjusting. This can be done with changing the distance from the basking spot or changing the wattage of the bulb. You chameleon will be able to self regulate the amount of UVB as long as there are plenty of places for shade and areas in the open. Eye problems will not be an issue with most 5.0 UVB tube lamps or regular basking spots.
As for temps, for a male veiled I would have a basking temp of about 88 - 90 degrees and the temp of the enclosure at the top should be about 80 to 84 degrees. It should be cooler at the bottom to allow for proper thermoregulation. Humidity can be around 40% to 60% between misting and can be much higher right after.

It is obvious that you want to do everything right with your new friend, but again, let him settle in before you try to figure his behavior out. You'll be fine and so will he!
okay thanks so much for the reassuring comments!! comparing my setup to yours sounds like i'm doing purty good so far. i want to upgrade the size of the tank as soon as possible but other then that it sounds like im on the right track.
yes i already love him and want to make the best environment for him and his health! :D
Keep researching and looking at all the different areas on the forum, and soon you'll be asking questions on just why your crickets haven't bred yet and how to build your own enclosures! ;) Have fun and we're all here to help! :D
haha will do!! :) i took him in and he doesn't have an infection, he has a little piece of shed stuck on the lower part of his eyelid. i was told it should come off within the next couple days, that its really common with veileds to have little pieces come off after the inicial shed. im so glad my baby is okay!!! :D
thanks everyone for all the help, i look forward to reading about your cham friends! :)
well today i put up his perch and he watched me do it but didnt go to it, he hasnt moved very much today other then to snap up some crickets and drink a little water.. so i put him on the perch and he opened his mouth several times, not hissing but puffing up and i say alot of clear, sicky, bubbly mucus in his mouth :( call the emporium i got him from and am gonna take him in to be checked out by the local reptile rescue vet.... i'm super worried and rather irrated that when i took him in last night they said he was perfectly healthy. now today his mouth is full of mucus and he's lethargic... im worried i might lose my lil guy :(
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