My Bert lol

Steven Davies

New Member
Berts my 11 week old Male Veiled .Hes not shy or scared of me at all and never puffs up or hisses at me when i come near, infact he seems really laid back and happy to go with the flow. iv already got him eating worms from my hand , is this normal for this age or have a got lucky with my little Bert ?

Am i on the right steps for him to one day be more than happy to walk onto my hand by him self if i put it near ?

I know they are a ( more of a look at Lizard) but like i said he seems really happy and not bothered by me being near or handling him, but it would be great if he walked onto my hand all by himself..:D
I'd say you've just been lucky Steve, but getting them young & hand feeding before trying to handle them certainly helps. Should only get tamer, if you carry on doing what you've been doing. I had one male Yemens once from a young age & it didn't matter what i tried, he would not be handled no matter what. Would hand feed, when he felt like it, but would also hiss, gape & even bite you when he didn't. I think because they are so readily available, they are a very underated species. Not too many more impressive sights than a big well marked/coloured male.
Just keep doing as you are & take your time. Don't try to force things too soon, let him get really comfortable with your hand near him to start with. Let him climb on, rather than grabbing or trying to force things.

Good luck with him.
He's eattin from my hand all the time now , soon as he sees me he perks up. Soon as I come close with the cricket in hand he wastes no time and zaps it.

After reading about others I think your right , I must be lucky with my Bert feedin from me like this at around 11 weeks old.

My female on the other hand lol hates me and 9 times out of 10 will hide . She has never hissed or bit me tho. 3 times I got her to eat crickets from the cup I'm holding so I'm slowly making head way with her.
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