My cham hates me


New Member
My veiled chameleon,Prisma, hates me. Eveytime I hold her she starts hissing and making herself appear larger. What can I do?:(

This is a picture of her if it works


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Some chams will tolerate handling, while others may not. If your cham is blowing up and hissing at you, I would leave her alone. In the mean time...fill the "how to ask for help" link posted below. It could be a husbandry problem or something else. If you just recently got her, that could be another reason as she is already stressed and the handling is only adding to it. All in all, you have to remember that chams in general are not social creatures.
she actually calmed down. I was watching Fantasia 2000 and after that she was really nice. I think she gets too grumpy in the morning and evening. Silly chameleons:)
How long have you had her? She doesn't "hate" you, she is telling you she doesn't like your intrusion into her space. Different chams are more or less territorial and defensive. It can be temporary until she recognizes that you are not a predator and may even be a source of treats. Or, she may never tolerate you very much. Gotta respect and enjoy her for who she is.
Veils tend to be grumpy chameleons, I had to just accept that with mine. I see a few scratches on her back, I would check for any sharp objects in her enclosure that could be causing them. Good luck!
Are you housing two chams together? That's a big no no. You'll want to get them in separate cages ASAP.

Chams are solitary animals. Chams housed together or even in site of each other can cause stress issues.
You will also have to fix that space issue when you have 50 new mouths to feed... :eek: Your male will definitely try and mate every chance he gets when they get older. That is if one of them does not seroiusly injure the other first. Amazon has the 18x18x36 inch cages for $64, put another cage anywhere you can. Do you really need a dining room table?:D
I suggest you sell one of them if you can't afford a second set up. I highly doubt she will survive being housed with a male. Sorry to be blunt, but that's just how it is unfortunately.
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