My Chameleon Family


New Member
Hey guys,

Here are some pictures I took real quick tonight.



This is a little veiled female that i ended up taking home from a local petco that I used to work at.



Nosy Be, Rio being his ultra-friendly self in the first picture then a more relaxed picture of him




Ambilobe that has a slight birth defect on his lower spine hoping that he will grow out of it about 3.5 months old and already showing some good color.

Just threw in these couple pictures they are from my seahorse tank. Sun Coral, Crocea Clam and Erectus Seahorse.



Thanks Everyone!
NICE family and NICE tank i have a 35 gallon saltwater tank i had seahorses before but theyre always small and get caught in my filter and die:(
Yeah the seahorses aren't super easy to take care of I have them with just a hang on the back filter to try and reduce a lot of the current seems to really help I've had no issues.
U really like you female veiled! She looks really nice! Also great sea horse I've been wanting to get one. How much did you get it for?
That one i paid 95 for its hippocampsus erectus i also have a pair of hippocampsus comes those i paid 140 for the pair.
That one i paid 95 for its hippocampsus erectus i also have a pair of hippocampsus comes those i paid 140 for the pair.

Wow he looks great! I still need to do my research on them but hopefully I'll get one an I'll probably be contacting you with questions...:D
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