My chameleon is losing his appetite !

Thomas Liu

New Member
My panther chameleon is losing his appetite since three weeks ago. He only takes less than 5 medium crickets (he ate around 12 crickets before) every two days. I usually put the crickets in a container. (The crickets always stay still to pretend death). These couple weeks, my chameleon only keeps watching them for a long time. When he is ready to eat, he always misses his target! Does his tongue or eyes have problem?

Other than that, he also lost his interest in coming out of his cage and play with me. In the past, he usually climbed on my arm if I put my hand in his cage. Is he sick? I checked the humidity and temperature inside his cage. They are okay.
I would start by copy and paste this and answer the questions.

Lazy Boy meant to provide this link to the Questions you should copy and paste, then add all your answers to.

Pictures are also helpful.
You can either add them to your post or you can include the URLs to the pages online where your pictures are.

Missing the prey can be caused by eye problems or tongue problems which is be caused by infections, injuries or nutritional deficiencies.
We need more information and photos might help too.
Missing the target could be a tongue issue or an eye issue. If it's a tongue issue it could be a nutritional imbalance, infection, injury or even dehydration issue. If it's his eyesight there are several possible causes too.
I couldn't upload some photos here:(. Let me try it again


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