my chameleon wont eat and its eye wont open what is wrong???


New Member

I am new to this forum. I have a almost three year old veiled chameleon. A while back I dont know exactly ubt he stopped eating, I have been doing "force feeding" becase it wont eat on its own. I have been offering it different bugs. Also a week ago one of its eyes shut and he wont open it. What is wrong? He is starting to "slim out":eek:
I think that this definately warrents a trip to the vet ... ASAP. Do you have a good exotics vet in your area? Is he still pooping? What is your set up like? (temps, housing, etc)
Jam said:
I think that this definately warrents a trip to the vet ... ASAP. Do you have a good exotics vet in your area? Is he still pooping? What is your set up like? (temps, housing, etc)
he has a 100 galon setup heat lamps etc.
But what are the temperature gradients in his tank? I had a chameleon corey, who also drastically slowed down in her eating ... and it turned out that she had an impaction that was likely due to her temps being slightly too low, and she died, despite receiving intensive care from an emergency vet and my regular exotic vet for three days. Do you have UVB lighting for your cham? What kind of water system (dripper?)?
Hello craftygirl,

Jam is correct, a visit to a qualified vet is highly recommended at this point. The symptoms you listed are common and describe a chameleon in decreasingly poor health.

[THREAD=66]Here is a link[/THREAD] that lists more info you may want to include about your setup.

[THREAD=67]Here is a link[/THREAD] to help you find a qualified veterinarian.
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