Chameleon Enthusiast
Having just read the banner at the bottom of the page here ( which I always read and love as it's a great way to learn snippets of info) about Pygmys being incorrectly called False chameleons , the term correctly applying to a species of anole, I'm sure lots of you know them but here in the U.K they are still quite rare, I was spurred on to submit a photo of my False chameleon- Chamaleolis porcus,He's CB and He is a typical anole- grumpy and easily agitated ! He is picky and quick to display aggression! LOL, Anole keepers out there will know exactly what I mean- because of this you gotta be quite fond of him! He has a huge skull compared to his body for crunching up his main food - snails.
Now you see him,
Now you dont- his anole-y way of hiding- he's just on the other side of the stick, you can just see a finger or two.
Now you see him,
Now you dont- his anole-y way of hiding- he's just on the other side of the stick, you can just see a finger or two.