My gecko laid eggs!...

Use athletes foot powder as soon as you start to see mold that will stop them from molding if they are fertile. Are you incubating for male temp sex or female temp sex. Also what morph leos do you have?
Use athletes foot powder as soon as you start to see mold that will stop them from molding if they are fertile. Are you incubating for male temp sex or female temp sex. Also what morph leos do you have?

Have you try that? I'll try that powder next time I see something growing. I'd read to use a bit of peroxide dissolve in water and sprayed all over the eggs. I am keeping them at a constant 85F. Not sure what morphs they are. Her they are... IMG_2296.jpg
They are Blod strip morphs:) And yes the powder works. Take a flash light and look for red veins if there is lightly dust them. No red veins its no good throw it away. hear are some of my guys and girls:D





He has sold red eyes


And the Diablo blanco the one with the red eyes just had babies hatch:cool:


We have several leo morph projects going.
Thay are cool and fun. I like your bold morphs that have some of the darkest spots i have seen. keep me updated on the foot powder you will be suprized on how well it works.
Also what temp are you incubating the eggs at it goes 79 to 83 girls and 85 89 boys:). Also are you keeping the eggs or the leos at 85?
I am keeping the eggs at 85F, and the parents have an under cage heat pad. One of the eggs is "deflating", so I misted around the egg because the humidity in the cup is low? The other four look good. I haven't try the holding the egg under a light, because I am afraid will hurt the embrios...still need to go to the store and get that powder...
Cool:) I use a reptibator for my gecko eggs. I use to use a havo bator but the temp swings made kinked tails and one big and one small eye problems:(. you do not have to lift the egg out just get a LED light that is small and shine it on the side that will tell you alot.:)

Also make sure that there hot spot is atlest 90 degrees if it is not the female has trouble with egg develoment. I use 3in heat tape and it works awesome I keep my leos hot spot at 95.
Just found a baby! How long should I wait before moving it to a small setup? I have a tupperware with a heat pad, hiding place, small dish for water and lots of ff's. Not a great picture, but here it is... IMG_2737.jpg
Wow.:) Looks like a reverse stripe jungle What are the mom and dad's HET'S. And I move them as soon as I find them I use a papertowle role and let them craw in it then I put them in the tube. I tryed to just grab one babie the first time I had one hatch and it made the most blood curling screem so I never did that agine. put millies in a dish and get some small crickets 1/4 to 1/2 I do not use FF for geckos they have to try to hard to eat them. Also he might not eat for a day or two but thats Ok. Keep the tube a little damp like a shed box for mom and dad until the first shed they Have a hard time with the first shed. I just use papertowles and mist one side real good then the whole papertowle get damp and thet help them for the first month.
Wow man you might want to post those on the gecko fourm one of them looks like a Typhoon and that would be awesome.
There are only 2 other typhoon ever hatched:DBut I am not four sure do you know mom and dad HETs? they Also might br raptors are ther eyes red?
Man I am thinking of what they could be man that is really cool.:cool: I love leoes and how you can make morphs:Dgo to and post on there. There is a buddy of mine from nightglow geckos that could help you find out what they are his name is Fuzzylogix. Let me know what he has to say:)
Woah! Those look AWESOME! I'm not a big fan of Leos but the first guy I would totally keep. If your giving them away *cough*. :D Lol! Kidding, beautiful!
I know very little about leos, just the few I have taken in around here. By comparison your are totally beautiful.
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