My Jacksons Won't Eat- Help!


New Member
I have a male Jacksons chameleon. He's about a year old. He hasn't eaten in about a week and I haven't noticed him drinking. Lately he's just been sleeping/closing his eyes for most of the day. I've never had this problem before and I was hoping there was something I could try before bringing him into the vet if it's something simple.

The more advice, the better.
I would take him to a vet. If he was alert and just not eating what you were providing, then I would say switching the food up would be a great way to get him to eat again. My Jacksons go crazy for roaches. However, with him sleeping all day, there is something else wrong. You need to take him to a vet. He most likely has a problem from parasites.
There aren't any reptile vets in the area. I'm wondering if there's something I can do or purchase to help.
I would highly recommend filling out the help link that was provided to you before taking him to the vet. It could possibly help you save time and money. Be descriptive as possible and we will go on from there.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Jacksons, almost 1, I've had him since November.
Handling - I handle my chameleon a couple times a week
Feeding - several meal worms. It varies on how much he eats weather I put more in.
Supplements - I recently dusted them with calcium powder
Watering - I have waterfall pump in his cage. I mist 3-4 times a day. I do see him drinkinng, not recently though.
Fecal Description - He hasn't had droppings recently. Last I saw it was kind of runny. He has not been tested for parasites.
History - No previous information that would be helpful. He's been healthy and spry since I got him up until this past week when he became lethargic.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - It's an all screen cage. Not sure of it's exact dimensions. Quite large though.
Lighting - I use two seperate UVA and UVB bulbs close together. They go on at 11am and off at 11pm (along with his waterfall)
Temperature - about 80 during the day and 65 at night
Humidity - humidity level is about 60 and I maintain it by misting and the waterfall/ pond contributes.
Plants - No current live plants
Placement -Not in a heavy traffic area. Corner of my room. Not near vents. Sort of near my window on a book shelf
Location - South east, MI
I have not been feeding him dusted food, I was not aware they needed calcium, I also have never offered him anything other than mealworms and never thought to offer him greens, could any of this be related to the problem? Also would it be better if I purchased a double dome light so that he is able to get both the UVB and the heat all at once rather than having two dome lights side by side? I don't get paid until Tuesday so I can't get him to a vet, he looks more awake than he did originally but still hasn't pooped in a while as he hasn't been eating. Could this be dietary related? I read online that the lack of calcium can cause lethargic behavior and I havn't been giving him that at all. Should I go out and purchase some collard greens to cut up and offer him as well as a new prey type? I do have access to roaches so I could try offering him lobster roaches in the dish, he typically doesn't look down off of his vine to notice the food it seems, but it's possible he does when i'm not paying attention.

Thanks for the help!
You defiantly need to dust your crickets every meal. I dust mine with calcium plus D3 and every third time a calcium supplement without D3. I have a mellers and 2 werners which are mountane species like your Jackson's. I use 2 fixtures for the heat and uvb bulb. However in saying that I don't use a heat bulb for the werners because I have them in exo terra tanks to keep the humidity up. Because they are in exos the heat in the tank will be higher. Mountane species must NOT go above 80-85 for very long. I lost a chameleon that way, before I had my own place. If they get too hot they stop eating and drinking and die. I keep my reptile room at 74-76 making the exos 77-80 ad the top and 75-77 about mid way. What temp and humidity are you at?
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