My Krazy Krash Story!!

So I only told Ben and Suzi this...
I cant believe I lost my Krash....8 days ago.
He escaped the indoor freerange in a blink of an eye. My adorable 5 year old left the screen door ajar while going in and out (very typical, until last week!)
Well, I've spent hours everyday looking for him, nothing. I am so glad the weather was in his favor. I spent more hours looking for him. Alot of us know what it feels like to lose one of these guys.

We came home tonite from the barn and my neighbor came out and said she saw a sign "found, big chameleon" with a number!. I immediately called, Rex is just a good person.

He took him to the local petstore, they said they would take him to SELL him! A customer told him to go to Sensational Pets (which I have been to) because they keep reptiles.

Sensational Pets doesnt have an answering machine. So at 9pm, I loaded up my kid, drove across town (about 20min, ea way) left a note on the door. Then I saw a # for dog grooming, I called, Barbara answered, told her what happened, she gave me Shauns cell #. I called, talked to the owner and he is taking good care of Krash until I get there in the morning!!!

They open at 9, I will be there at 8:45!!!
I just cant believe it!,

Oh, bytheby, he was a block over and 2 blocks up....ON THE STREET!!!!
He is a subadult and lookin for a girl figure!!
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Well lucky that worked out with a great ending...they are sneaky buggers aren't they? I have been on this forum a while and many have been found a mile or so from "home" so they do manage to travel far.

Next time (hopefully it never happens again) let me know.....I am an expert of spotting them out as well as tree climbing. (comes with the territory of cham owing and free ranging) and I will come down and visit and help. Also a great excuse to see your horse and you! I also have a 5 year old.

My cham looks behind all the indoor plants every morning for his girlfriend and then gives me the stink eye that she is not there. :)
Oh, thank you so much for the offer!. Careful though, cause I will take you up on it!!
I have been in the worst funk all week :(
I am so happy to be smiling:D
Any suggestions on how to keep him up in the freerange?
Why do all my chams love going to the ground so much?!
Oh, thank you so much for the offer!. Careful though, cause I will take you up on it!!
I have been in the worst funk all week :(
I am so happy to be smiling:D
Any suggestions on how to keep him up in the freerange?
Why do all my chams love going to the ground so much?!

I have been trying for 3 years ....and I still cant contain him. Our inside walls are stucko/rough plaster?? and I have seen him scale that to get out over barriers as well as fling himself out of his fiscus to go roaming. Just his nature I guess....

I have tried a cage and he hates it, no matter how large. He is just happy roaming so the whole house is cham friendly.

He has 2 free ranging areas that he hangs around but just to be safe our toilet lid in the guest bathroom have a sign "cham on the loose...please close the lid" :D
I feel soooo lucky!
and yeah, I so keep the toilet seat down, and make sure all my drain buckets are always emtpy!

Krash is my first, he is my baby, my puppy I do everything with him, we even go for walks to the store!
Wow I am really glad he is coming home. Now how to keep him in a free range is another story. I have lenny in a 8' x8' square free range that is filled with plants and highways, it goes all the way to the ceiling. I still find him out walking around the rest of the room. The room is 14 x16 and doesn't have much in it but a chair for me and a bunch of extra plants. I am giving thought to somehow enclosing the area he can get to. I love him being free but I worry when he wanders. let me know what you come up with.
Thank you Laurie,
The day before he was in the outdoor freerange and I noticed he was really mobile, and kept going to the ground, like he was searching for something (girl?!) I should have thought about that when I let him freerange Sunday. didnt then, for sure will from now on. Will do the same with Kruiser too. he is only a month younger.
I will have him tested at the vets, he had plenty of food, thank gawd this whole week has been warm and we got a weird storm on Wed, with an inch of rain and it was warm. So I figured he would be ok, because he is so healthy, had everything he needed for the week.

The store owner told the guy that found him he couldnt have been lost for more than a couple of hours, because he looked so healthy. He was shocked when I told him 8 days!

Laurie, Thank you, again!!
Wow what a story!!! I'm a pretty calm person but I woulda been having a heart attack lol! And to top it off he was gonna be sold! Oh man...!! Definitely a story to tell!!So amazing somone found him and actually put signs up that he was found! Really happy the story is ending how it did after 8 days!
8 days! Now that's a scare story......naughty Krash. Great to hear that someone was looking out for you, and now you know what your local pet store owner is like.......
Amazing story. When you said someone had found him... i was like i bet they will try to sell him after a few days.
Glad you got him back tho! I would be soooooo unhappy.
Yeah, I lost a my first cham. He was a veiled/Chaz he was in an outside cage sunning. The latch wasnt firmly closed and he escaped. Well, about 4 days later I found him on top of our 7 ft cedar fence just cruising around looking for a girl or food. I got him down and he was po'd to be caged again.

Then about a yr later this time my ex put him outside for sun and she forgot to latch the cage. At the time our daghter was young and she got sidetracked and didnt make sure it was closed all the way. He escaped again! Unfortunately, he never appeared again. We lived right next to a fairly large nature preserve we weer the last house on the street. Im sure he found his way to that area. I just hope a hawk didnt grab him. That was about 14-15 yrs ago. I asked all the neighbors but no one had seen him.

Congrats on getting your guy back. They are amazing little creatures. And sometimes they scare the hell outta us.
I've been thinking about him every day since day 1. I KNEW you'd find him though. Super happy for you. I texted earlier to see if you'd gotten him yet but it would appear you have! :D

I also wanted to talk to you about how to keep the in the free range but i have to see your set up again first. I have an idea that might work but it'd be easier in a real time convo.

Have a good one! Well, considering you just hot krash back...I think today is good. :cool:
So here is Krash at the petstore that cared for him over nite, and Shaun the store owner!.
It was deff a good day :D


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