My Krazy Krash Story!!

Just got home from the vet. Thought I shout take Krash as a preventative measure after his great escape.
I am happy to say, he was given a very clean bill of health, smear/float negative!. He even managed to put on a little weight during his travels, 11mo/ 138gm
I knew he looked ok, but you know how we are!, just wanted a little reassurance! ,
Thank you guys again for the support through this
B, I txtd you at the vet, at first glance on the smear he thought coccida, but the float said he was fine!. You know what I was thinking?, gotta talk to Ben about this!!
Can you imagine the cleaning process( yes you can!)??
Thank you for posting
my phone was shut off like a week ago :( i can imagine the cleaning for me, but i know youd have to clean FAR more stuff and probably get all the other chams checked too so thats really good.
Anne, You are so lucky! I am so glad to hear he had a safe return and a clean bill of health from the vets.
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