My latest addiction, sorry, addition.....


Established Member
Abronia Graminea.

I am picking up a CBB male tomorrow. Aside from the fact that I just like them, their care is very similar to a montane type cham. So, throw an extra screen cage on the rack, hook up another nozzle to the mist system, and off we go!!!!

Here is a pic of a sample animal, I will get some actuals up in a day or 2.

I have toyed with getting some for some time now. I used to see them at Daytona and lust as the prices were expensive at the time. Now some places are selling them for $125. I have almost caved a few times but I have too many other things going on right now. Best of luck with them.
OOOOOOH, Abronia. Good luck with him. They are impressive, especially in person. They throw some serious greens haha. I've only seen them for very expensive prices, hope you got a good deal.
Bobby what an I going to do with you? I thought I could count on your wife to keep you in line. Just because it is beautiful did not mean you "needed" it.:D
Here are some actual pics of the animal and his enclosure. I am not happy with the top, need a couple more bromeliads.

So I will work on that.

He is beautiful, and your cage is killer. I understand you needing him. Soon it will be a pair, them after lots, and lots of waiting you will send me one, right?.
He is beautiful, and your cage is killer. I understand you needing him. Soon it will be a pair, them after lots, and lots of waiting you will send me one, right?.

You know me well!!! once he settles in and I understand the behavoit a lil better, I will find a female!!
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