my little cam


New Member
hellou to all ,i'm new here ,first i will tell about me : i don't speack/writte very well :( i'm sorry ,i'm from romania (europe) ,i'm student at medicine veterinary (only domestic animals) and the most important is my little chameleon caliaptrus caliaptrus 2 month old ,i buy him 3 days ago from another contry ungaria ,befor to take him i read about this species six month , i buy him a lamp from exoterra and light whit uv ,i have calcium and fluid vitamins , i feed him whit crickets and mealworms. I will put some pictures whit him ,i think its a ''him'' if i was wrong whit somethink or i forgot please i aspect your advice , thanks
Welcome to the forums,it's a great place for info and support,best of luck with your new cham...he's a cutie:)
It wi very nice to have you on the forums! What is your chameleons name? If you have any questions, please feel free to ask. There are alot of knowledgeable people here.
thanks for the anser and one questions : my baby cam its ok ?its not skinny? i feed him whit 3-4 crickets and 8 mealworms twice a day , and his skin is ok? thanks again
He looks great. Babies are thin as they grow so fast. I would feed more crickets and less mealworms. Also make sure you are feeding your crickets vegetables and fruit before feeding them to your cham if you don't already.
hy everyone ,the name of my cham is ''Verzisor'' (=the green), he's so cute ,he's not scared when he see's me ,he eats a lot and he is a real hunter. I will put some pictures with him soon.
hello everyone. I need some advice regarding the soil that I am going to use at my terrarium. I bought "Hagen Exo Terra Coco Husk soil". is it ok for my chameleon?
Most of the people on the forum will tell you that nothing at the bottom is better. I would take the dirt out, and just put paper towel at the bottom of the cage.
i;m trying to say when my cham eat crickets he swalow soil ,not all the time but it happens , thanks for anser :)
I dont vorbesc limba română, Eu am folosit calculatorul traducător .
bună, dar nu suficient de. Dacă limba engleză este dificil pentru tine, trimite-mi PM în română, Eu vă va ajuta dacă pot. Îmi place să facă un efort de comunicare.
Bine ati venit Madelaine :)

P.S. Im din Australia
I used this one, its not so great. You must breakdown to small sentences otherwise the translation makes no sense. I do this, then reverse the translation back to english so I can be sure Im making some sense. :)

Am folosit-o pe asta, sa nu atat de bine. Trebuie să defalcare mici propoziţii altfel de traducere nu face nici un sens. I a face acest lucru, atunci revers spate la traducerea engleză aşa că pot fi sigur Im a face unele sens :)

I don't see a spur on the back foot. Is there a tiny little spur on "his" feet? Just checking. I hope I didn't miss a post already covering this.

EDIT: Oh maybe on this one:
Dan, you crack me up. I am putting the alter back up. :p

lol you read this then?
Incense and Oranges???? What! No gold, frankensense and Myrr? Blasphemy!!!
Jeez, what kind of two bit Diety gets incense and oranges anyway? No virgins offered up screaming or anything???
Ill have to go off and find a remote island of stone aged pygmys now, their getting scarce too ya know !:D

Lol then they'd wanna be bloody nice oranges Anna! :D
P.S I prefer an incense called opium, not that sandalwood muck mind, smells like burning fence palings!
You can skip the screaming virgins though, must be hard to them find over 18 these days! :D
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