my little cam

Yes I think you have a Male :)

hello everyone, my baby is growing. I have one question, he is eating the leafs of the ficus tree. is it good or bad? I feed him a lot, but I don't understand why is he eating the leafs (I think is a ficus benjamina)

i heard to watch out for meal worms they can eat through your chameleon if they arent dead all the way i dont kno from experiance because i stay clear from them but beautiful chameleon :) congrats
well i heard it from two pet stores and they both warned me before i bought them. and i also read on it. just type it in on google they have articles i dont kno but i am not feeding my chameleons them. superworms, crickets, hornworms, roaches, and flies are what i give my panthers
Its a myth Ryan, but your right to give them a miss, rather high ratio of chitin, low nutrition compared to superworms. (more nutrition, less chitin per worm). :)
alright i belive its a myth now and i agree i have had a hard time getting my male to eat supers but my female LOVES them he is into crickets crickets CRICKETS
My boy has grown and I'll post soon some pics.
But I have quite a dilemma: when I give him cricket's(mealworms,superworms) he isn't throwing his tongue out more than 2cm. He's chasing the cricket's cornering them and simply sticking his tongue on them, but not throwing like I have seen on Animal Planet :D

Can anybody give me an explication on my dilemma?
You said..."he isn't throwing his tongue out more than 2cm. He's chasing the cricket's cornering them and simply sticking his tongue on them"...this can be from calcium imbalances or an injury or possibly even an infection. Since you are a vet student, could you tell if the tongue looks swollen or infected?

What brand and type (spiral, long linear, compact) of UVB light do you provide for your chameleon? Does the light from it pass through glass or plastic?

What specific supplements do you use and how often for each? (I'm looking for phosphorus, calcium, D3 and prEformed vitamin A in particular).

What do you gutload/feed your insects with? Your chameleon (re: greens and veggies)?
Do an experiment. With tongs, grab a cricket and hold it about 6 inches away from him. Don't let him walk to it, try to make him shoot at it. If you can not get him to shoot he probably has a problem with his tongue.
I have tried to do so with his food, but nothing. He keeps coming after it. He isn't having problems. and at lunch time he is first to grab food, and he is verry greedy.I have read that at his age he should throw his tongue 10 cm.
You have canceled the file transfer.>>thaks for answer
well make sure ur getting calcium with d3 ...and gutloading ur crix...its very important...and yes hes definatly a male
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