My nchisiensis are mating! Gestation length?


New Member
Hi everyone
I was tidying up my Nchisiensis viv earlier this evening, went to check on them an hour ago to make sure they were ok, & to my amazment they are mating theyre still at it!;) Im so happy theyre both CB Ive had them since they were a couple of months theyre now approx 10months old, so hopefully should have healthy eggs. Does anyone know whenI can expect the eggs I cant find any info on Gestation, also best incubation temps?
Thanks so much Hatherxxx
Congrats! Do you have any pics of these guys? I kept them years ago but never had any luck with them breeding. I remember the males being much smaller than the females. I like their blue eye turrets.
Thanks Tiff, yes I was very excited, how embarrassing was that! They were still at it 3hrs later even after their lights went out, I left the conservatory light on, but finally had to turn it off which still didnt stop them they fell asleep still loved up!:) Thanks as well Jeremy I havnt any pics of these 2 will try & post some soon, your right about the males being smaller they seem to grow much more slowly than the females.
These pics are the ones that I used to have. This was back in 2005 or so.
Female R. nchisiensis:

Male R. nchisiensis:
There is information about this species on the internet, but I did not find the time to translate it:Go to caresheet
Maybe you can translate it in Google-translate.
But I will give you a short translation of the part of the text:
Gestation length is between 3 to 5 weeks.

Best regards,
Lovely pics Jeremy they are such preety little chams arnt they.
Thanks so much for the link Tom very imformative! Do you keep these little guys yourself? Heatherxxx
I have keept them succesfully but at the moment I work with Rh.spinosus, Rh.acuminatus and Rh.viridis. And some Trioceros species...
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