My new (and first) chameleon, Samba!


New Member
Hello everyone!
I'm new here, and I just thought I would share my new friend with you guys!
She is a veiled chameleon named Samba. I named her that because when I got her, she seemed like she was doing a little samba dance! :)
She's a real sweetheart and loves to be held, surprisingly. So far, she has sat on my shoulder for three trips to PetSmart to go mealworm shopping! I guess she knows the place her food comes from.
I'd like to hear from you guys on what you think and any suggestions/tips for keeping her happy!


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How old is she?
She looks rather plump.. Which means she may be gravid
Do you have a lay box setup for her? If so, what material is in it?
Welcome to the forums and congrats on your new chameleon. I am attaching a few blog to help you keep you girl healthy. My blog for general care, a blog for female care and my egg laying blog. Females often lay eggs without a male even being around so it's recommended to keep a laying bin in the enclosure at all time after they reach the age of 5 months.
A video on how to make a laying bin:
More detailed info here:
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