My new baby K. matschiei arrived today!

He is AWESOME!! I love those little horns...looks like you are doing a wonderful job with him :D:D Thanks for the updated photos
Yeah, talk about slow growing!!! You would think Id be use to it since thats how all the Dwarf Fischer's grew. I would say its a male from my very small experience. Seems to have the broader horn buds and spread further apart like my one I call the male while the one I say is female has closer and less broad buds. Guess we will just have to wait and see:p he is definitely looking good.
Growth check in. 12.3g today and 3" body length. Love that huge tail! He's doing great. Starting to look grown up!:D


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Looking good! If you want to trade some rare albino Dubias for him let me know.:)

IDK, maybe a meru?

Thanks, he is doing great. Right after that picture, he took a poop off the side of my yard stick and then launched over the other side! Luckily I was in the grass 18" from the ground. He landed with a thump!:eek:LOL
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