My new beautiful Pascal


New Member

At first, I KNOW, naming your cham Pascal after the one in Tangled is predictable for a Disney fan but i just cant help it hahaha.

Well as you already read, Ive got Pascal and its already been three days, i got it from a breeder that lives in another city and the shipping took almost 2 days to arrive. Im very happy with him, he is extremly docile and beautiful but im scared he is not eating even though he shows very bright happy colors and likes to be handle a lot. He shed today and ive read they dont eat much when they are shedding and adjusting to a new environment, he lives in a 47"HX 18"DX 22" L screen terrarium with a ficus tree. I sprayed his plant 4 times today to help his with his shed and to keep him hydrated due to worries that i have from the trip he had before arriving. So what do you guys say? Im i worring to much? Im i doing a good job with him? Should i allow him to adjust more time before trying? Today i grabed a cricket and put it in from of him and even though he looked hungry as hell, and did this sound with his troath... He shaked his head and didnt accept the food i offered him.. I have lefted crickets and mealworms on his cage and it seems he ate them.. I thank you for your time and for understanding that im not an english native speaker as you can see on my english.


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Do not worry about your English, you are doing just fine. I would lay off handling him for a while, even though he seems docile it could be stressful as he adjusts to a new home. As long as he is drinking he will eventually eat. If he is taking food that you left in the cage then another reason not to worry. You are right to be concerned with his hydration after a two day trip. If you can get some hornworms or silkworms you could give him those as they have a high moisture content. I would just let him be in his cage for awhile. You may want to contact the breeder to see how he was fed there. Did they use a cup or just let the crix loose in the cage. If you free range the crix you have to be careful that they are all eaten as loose crix can bite your cham in his sleep.
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