My Parsonii Padre’s 3rd Birthday Photos


Chameleon Enthusiast
Padre is celebrating his third birthday and I wanted to share some pictures of him and give you all an update. I’ve had Padre over a year now and he’s doing fantastic. He did his winter hibernation for a little over 3 months and came out of his winter mode starving. He has been eating like a little pig. When I got Padre he weighted 421 grams and Sunday he weighed 667 grams. We made tons of pictures of him since we hadn’t made any in over 3 months. I’m also posting a couple of updated photos of his room. I hope I don’t bore you with so many photos but I love this big man. He’s such an awesome chameleon and an absolute pleasure to take care of. He’s extremely laid back and so very gentle.

Here he is….my big man Padre. Pardon the food on his mouth. He just finished eating.















Now for a few pictures of him room

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WOW, just WOW!! I LOVE Padre and his set up is to die for. You have gone all out as usual, and I am super impressed as always. What temps do you keep him at ambient day and night? Summer and Winter? And what basking do you shoot for? He is just regal!!
Happy birthday Padre! There is nothing that even come close to the beauty of Parson's. I hope that one day I can have honor of housing one myself. You're a very lucky lady Jann!
Jan, this is soo sick!! I love that enclosure. And Padre, well what else can i say but AMAZING!!:eek:
Thank you all so much for your very kind comments.

ecoreef, I feel very blessed to have all my chams. :)

Rob, In the winter I kept him quite cold.....50's at night and mid 60's in the daytime. Once or twice a week I'd warm him up in the daytime to the mid 70's. In the summer his high is around 78 and his low in the mid 60's and a basking area of about 80. He even gets a little warmer when he catches the morning sun in his window.

Craig, Yes, I have UVB lights in there. You can see them a tad in the very first picture of his room.
He looks fantastic Jann. Those shots of his eye are just amazing. Looks like a wise old soul. Well, not too old hes only 3.

That enclosure you and your husband built is just phenomenol. One of the nicest Ive ever seen. Now you need a gf for him, that room would fit two perfectly......:D

Oh & happy hatch day Padre.
Thank you Zac and Scott.

Chuck you are so very right. I have already gave him a kiss this morning on his rostral. :D
Happy Birthday Padre!!! Hope you have a wonderfull day with lots of good treats and love. :)
I hope I don’t bore you with so many photos but I love this big man.

Jann, how can we get bored looking at your pics, but especially pics of Padre the Parsonii? ;) Awesome animal, he looks so well taken care of and an amazing enclosure!

Happy 3rd birthday wishes for your big boy..

Wendy :)
Happy Birthday Padre!!! Jann he is so beautiful and his home is heavily!!! He must be one happy guy to have all the care he gets for you!
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