Avid Member
1. I house them together since they are mating then I move female to her own cage.
2. I use Lucky Reptile OpenAir Vivarium 40x40x60 cm
3. Sunlight! as it is possible in my country (about 6-7 months). In winter I use Narva ReptiLight with 4% UV-B and 30% UV-A
4. I provide many wc spider species -the most favourite-, from insects: flies (fed on pollen and honey), sometimes crickets (fed on dry milk+coco nut+sunflower seeds+oatmeal+pollard+pollen+spirulina+yeast) and wc insect like butterflies, dragonflies etc
Thanks for the prompt reply, Martin. I'm not familiar with Narva ReptiLight, but thanks for the information. Please keep us posted on the development of your group.
Benny, I look forward to seeing more photos in the coming weeks!