My Veiled got me today


Someone needs a manicure!
Youch!:eek: Bet that smarts a bit!!! Hehe! Does she always act like her name - or was she having a bad day?! Seems like she's a feisty little madam! I'd be really shocked if Lily bit me! Think I would be a bit wary with feeding, etc if she did! :D
I have been bit by Osang a few times during cage mantainance. The bite doesnt hurt to bad, its actually rare for her to break skin, but it usually leaves a cookie cutter impression and bleeds beneath the skin showing a bite mark. I cant blame her for the bites, If a creature 500 times my size stuck its hand in my house I might be tempted to lash out and bite too.:rolleyes:
i got a tattoo :)
now i need to get my chameleon to bite me! :p

HAHAH!!! I'm not sure if it's cause she is receptive or what but witchy has been being super nice this week! I open the cage and she crawls right out and onto my hand. Normally she would be at the door waiting to attack :)
Ouch! She must have figured it was time to ensure the reason of her name.

EDIT: Weird...most of the posts were not showing, and it showed as this post was posted today?? ...
GEEZ - c'mon guys - have a little sympathy for Sancho!! OUUUUCCCHH!! Man, you might have needed stitches. The hurts to look at! Has Witchy behaved aggressively since then?
GEEZ - c'mon guys - have a little sympathy for Sancho!! OUUUUCCCHH!! Man, you might have needed stitches. The hurts to look at! Has Witchy behaved aggressively since then?

This happend awhile ago and I'm not sure if it needed stitches never went into the docs :) Witchy has always been aggressive and she will continue :)
Ouch!! Wow I'm just now joining this lil chameleon world and now I really don't know what to expect at all!! :confused:

Is it a regular thing for chameleons to bite?

Mine's a lil wee one so far - Jackson's Chameleon.. and I'd *like* to think he will not bite me in the future..
He's only hissed once before, and that was the first day we brought him home.. I took him out of the box, and he crawled to my neck..My boyfriend went to offer his hand to step onto, and he hissed at him. Scary as heck for me since I couldn't see what was going on in my neck area, I'd hate to have a penetrated artery! LOL

Ouch!! Wow I'm just now joining this lil chameleon world and now I really don't know what to expect at all!! :confused:

Is it a regular thing for chameleons to bite?

Mine's a lil wee one so far - Jackson's Chameleon.. and I'd *like* to think he will not bite me in the future..
He's only hissed once before, and that was the first day we brought him home.. I took him out of the box, and he crawled to my neck..My boyfriend went to offer his hand to step onto, and he hissed at him. Scary as heck for me since I couldn't see what was going on in my neck area, I'd hate to have a penetrated artery! LOL


All depends on the cham
my guy's v v friendly n use to drink from my hand untill he decided that he likes some of my hand with the water lol he didnt bite so hard that i bled but god i knew his mouth was around my hand lol n since then i've always been sorta scared of him n after seein your photo it looks like i have reason, too much pain for my liking lol
i dunno if all gals would dig a scar from a cham you might get some odd looks lol aldoh a gal who has a sence of humour it would be a golden line lol
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