My Veiled got me today

“heyyyyy how did you get that wicked scar?”

A big chameleon

“what’s a chameleon, your dog?”

No no, it’s a lizard.

“like those ones that are like 6’ long?

Welllllll it’s a little smaller than that.
But really mean!

Chicks love lizards!
“heyyyyy how did you get that wicked scar?”

A big chameleon

“what’s a chameleon, your dog?”

No no, it’s a lizard.

“like those ones that are like 6’ long?

Welllllll it’s a little smaller than that.
But really mean!

Chicks love lizards!


By the way thanks for that caresheet on F.lateralis, very nice!!!!:D
I can see just the headline now .... 'Man Survives Savage Attack By Chameleon!':D Or ... 'Chameleon Makes Grown Man Cry!' :D Ha ha!! Joking aside - I bet it really hurt! I think I'd be very scared of Lily if she ever bit me. Lucky for my fingers she's a good girl!
“heyyyyy how did you get that wicked scar?”

A big chameleon

“what’s a chameleon, your dog?”

No no, it’s a lizard.

“like those ones that are like 6’ long?

Welllllll it’s a little smaller than that.
But really mean!

Chicks love lizards!

“heyyyyy how did you get that wicked scar?”

A big chameleon

“what’s a chameleon, your dog?”

No no, it’s a lizard.

“like those ones that are like 6’ long?

Welllllll it’s a little smaller than that.
But really mean!

Chicks love lizards!

Aw, Poor Sancho. LOL!
i just got bit for the 1st time. adult 3 yr old male. punctured the skin a little. pretty damn good bite id say. was tryin to feed him a bit of strawberry (got my finger instead), its like chameleon crack for this one. lol
I was curious how bad a chameleon bite could be. I guess I know. We have two panthers that are about 6-7 months old now and they are getting bigger. I've been bitten by snakes, alligator lizards, and birds before, but I don't want to add chameleon's to the list!! :D
IMO Snakes are by far the worse cos sometimes they just don't wanna let go and have lots of teeth! been lucky with my Milk as never handle him for too long due to his sneaky violence, but have been bitten another. It was a medium size Phyhon and nearly brought a tear nearly 30Y/O eyes!
i had a freaking hamster bite me at work it bleed forever, and a sunburst conure that took a chunk of skin stupid bird =(
my veil has never bitten me but has lunged out at my hand with a gaping mouth a few times. The other day was the first time I handled him in more than 6 mos

On the other had my yellow headed amazon (Cosmo) has vitten my neck and a couple of weeks ago she bit on the chin and hung on, probably should have gotten a stitch but it healed without scarring, still a little tender tho
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