I can't think of names until I meet my guys. I have two leapord geckos, ones name is Carl he is a snow morph and twitch my trempor albino. Frita my veiled was originally Humphreietta then it got shortened to Frita and my husband has started calling her frito now. Lol
I named my veiled Omar (since he is from Yemen) and I wanted to name my panther something Malagasy but couldn't find anything I liked so I decided on Clouseau after the inspector in the Pink Panther movies. I had wanted to save that if I ever got an Ankaramy but my granddaughter thinks if we get a panther from that locale we can name it Pinkie Pie after one of her favorite little pony characters!
I've always liked Oliver for a veiled male, I don't know why. If I ever had one I would name him Oliver.
Alternatively, perhaps you like scientist names? These can be cool and unusual. Something like Pasteur, Linneaus, Erasmus (C. Darwin's father, not a scientist but it's a neat name regardless), Bohr, Pavlov, etc.
Extrodinary!!!!! Erasmus, that is super cool due to the connection. I freagin love it and hope I can remember it down the road when I run out of our Star Wars references. Our Nosy Be's father was Vader, so we just had to continue the craziness.
My veileds are named after Planet of the Apes characters. Right now I have Zira (female) and General Aldo (male). And my others are named after historical figures, or mythology (Magellan, Plato, and Andromeda).
I have a veiled named Chameleo ( I know not very original ), I also have a panther my oldest daughter named Jelly bean. We would have named him Skittles, but that is taken by 1 of our ferrets. We sometimes have trouble figuring out names, because we can't use the same name ever again (our kids made that rule). You could do a search for unusual lizard names on google.