M Monopoly9182 Member May 1, 2013 #1 I need a name for my 2 jackson chameleons I can't think of any good ones Any suggestions? Attachments image.jpg 254.2 KB · Views: 152
AgnesTheCham New Member May 1, 2013 #4 Girl Eva Cynthia Pamela Cecillia Valerie Boy Hunter Carson Maurice Jake Roscoe Hope these helped!! lol
Girl Eva Cynthia Pamela Cecillia Valerie Boy Hunter Carson Maurice Jake Roscoe Hope these helped!! lol
ChaBillion New Member May 1, 2013 #7 Well for the male I would either go with Jango, Samuel, Apollo or Azlo And for the female I would either go with Sarah, Trina or Athena
Well for the male I would either go with Jango, Samuel, Apollo or Azlo And for the female I would either go with Sarah, Trina or Athena
M Monopoly9182 Member May 1, 2013 #8 I think I'm going to name them Apollo and Athena Sorry but some of the other names didn't pop out as much as these But thanks for all of the good suggestions What are your chams names?
I think I'm going to name them Apollo and Athena Sorry but some of the other names didn't pop out as much as these But thanks for all of the good suggestions What are your chams names?
G goomba9 New Member May 1, 2013 #9 I have a panther named Yoshi, Im a big Mario fan so it seemed pretty fitting lol
Brandonmh Member May 1, 2013 #11 Beren for the male, Luthien for the female. Legendary couple from Simarillion (lord of the rings).
ChamMan15 New Member May 1, 2013 #13 for the male, thorn - name of one of the dragons from my favorite series: eragon (thorn because hes a jacksons ) for the female, leafaen - its a play on another one of names from eragon
for the male, thorn - name of one of the dragons from my favorite series: eragon (thorn because hes a jacksons ) for the female, leafaen - its a play on another one of names from eragon
Snootchie0210 New Member May 1, 2013 #14 Jelloman said: Chris and Rihanna Click to expand... Haha. I think we have a winner here.
ChaBillion New Member May 2, 2013 #16 I actually have a chameleon named Apollo...yeah you can't beat Ancient Greek names, especially if they are the names of gods!
I actually have a chameleon named Apollo...yeah you can't beat Ancient Greek names, especially if they are the names of gods!