
I am in the same boat. I will be getting a boy on Tuesday but I cant think of one that seems good enough yet.
When we got our girl, my teen daughters wanted to name her "Snookie", I went with Roxy, it kinda goes with Rico, her soon to be boyfriend...
It's kind of like getting a puppy or kitten...wait and see how they look or cute little things they do to spark an idea for a name. I've even been known to change their name if I get the hankerin' to. I'm a girl and I'm allowed to be fickle if I feel like it! LOL:D

that's what we came up she is really beautiful i should have some pics up soon when i find out how this site works.
Sort of by chance, other people have named my animals my whole life and at this point I just let it happen "naturally" so to speak.

I personally assign serial numbers to everyone but then again my collection just keeps growing and growing...
Rose is beautiful for a little female. Is it a panther? In which case, even more fitting :D Just watch when she gets receptive, the pinks she'll throw will wow you.
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