Nano Reef Pictures of mine


Avid Member
Been spending more time on Corals then chameleons it seems as of lately this is what Ive been working on. I keep a 7 inch Peacock Mantis Shrimp and only corals and inverts mainly.




These little guys just hatched too.

Nice zoanthids. I want to set up a zoo tank in the future. Hope your mantis doesn't make a meal out of your percula and domino damsel.
haha Oh I know. The fish are actually in a 30 gallon Reef system w refugium skimmer and mechanical filter as well. I have the zoas and mantis with few other corals in the 12 gallon fluval. Its been going few months, its a bit small but Im not going to break it down quite yet.

The mantis shrimp killed about $500 worth of livestock in his last tank. So he is a known killer and was banished to my place. Very interesting little creature.
Sandra, he most definitely lives up to his looks.

They say he has a punch of 50 miles per hour and the acceleration of a .22 caliber bullet with his hammer. Also has some of the best vision and very complex eyes.

Thank You K9.
Nice shrimp and zoos! Reef keeping for me, is way more addictive than chameleons. I have a 120 gal. Oceanic and a 72 gal. Oceanic bow front and 2 red sea max. The addiction doesn't stop. I am tearing down the 72 tomorrow morning and setting it up in it's new location in the house. Going to be fun.
thanks , yea reefs and salty critters are very addicting and expensive lol. I need to find a more of a stable home to set up either a 90 or 120 finally. I dont like tearing down and plan on moving soon. Near future we can trade some frags if interested . Tearing down a 72 sounds perfect for a saturday ;) Hope all goes well.
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