Need a new feeder


New Member
Hello, I am wondering if there are any easy to raise feeders for my veiled. I already raise crickets and mealworms but lately she doesn't go for them but would gladly take a house fly. I'm 13 and my parents say no roaches or flys in the house so that rules out houseflies and Dubai roaches. Anyone have any thoughts Thank you.
That about covers it. All of my chams like their dubias, but go CRAZY for blue bottle flies! If they are out, you will have to stick to super worms, crickets, hornworms, silkworms, and maybe try Phoenix worms. Good luck!
Stick insects, mantids, silkworms, superworms, and hornworms are all relatively easy to keep and breed at home.

Silkworms are pretty simple to keep. But honestly you should try to convince them to do Dubia roaches :rolleyes: They don't stink, bite, make any noise or fly. And they're super easy to keep. If you have them in a tall plastic container, they won't be able to climb up the sides, either, so you will never have any escape (and obviously you'd have a lid with air holes when you're not going into it).
Thank you so much i think I might try Phoenix worms even though they turn into flys. My parents wont notice as long as they don't look like house flies.
I am also trying to grow a mulberry bush for some silkworms and I was wondering can i feed my chameleon hornworms from a tomato plant
tomatos are toxic to chams so horns that have eaten from one should not be fed. however you can use them if you decide to breed for the moth. just remover eggs before they hatch. the mulberry leaves are great for the silks

both worms have chows that are fairly easy to come across. be mindful that with silks it can be difficult to change between the chow and leaves should be one or the other
I would think about mantids, I tried to raise some for my guy while he was alive but since i didnt separate them all when they hatched I lost a bunch to them eating eachother. So all you really need to do is have them in their own little plastic cup with a lid some branches and feed them flightless fruit flied and in a month or 2 will be large enough to feed to your cham depending on how big yours is. Since mine passed away before I was able to feed him my manti my mother stole them for her garden so it was still worth the time investment to my family.
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