Need Drainage...


New Member
I have a ZooMed little dripper for my Jackson. Leaving it dripping has drowned my plant.:( I don't have the set up to be able to drain it, and I LOVE having the real plant (hibiscus) in there with him because the leaves don't dry out as fast as the fake leaves. If someone could suggest a way I could set up some drainage, or give me another option to keep him hydrated it would be so much appreciated! I've been looking into a MistKing, I'd just like to see one in action before I buy one. I don't need to soak my second bedroom! Thank you guys!
I have the same problem! I currently just use paper towels to sop up excess water but that means I go through paper towels really fast.
i use a tupperware container directed under where it splashes. I empty it out once a day, and although it doesn't catch everything... it definately is much better than without.
yeah, what tdot said....

You can buy a plastic drawer

Drill holes through the top of the box, set the cage on the box and drill holes in the bottom of the just need to empty the drawer.

Make sure your plant pot drains! Not all do. That will drown you plant.
I put a small plastic tub under my dripper. It drips onto a plastic plant rather than a real one, because I had the same problem with drowning plants.... and I soaked the shelves under my free range as well.
I have a ZooMed little dripper for my Jackson. Leaving it dripping has drowned my plant.:( I don't have the set up to be able to drain it, and I LOVE having the real plant (hibiscus) in there with him because the leaves don't dry out as fast as the fake leaves. If someone could suggest a way I could set up some drainage, or give me another option to keep him hydrated it would be so much appreciated! I've been looking into a MistKing, I'd just like to see one in action before I buy one. I don't need to soak my second bedroom! Thank you guys!
I dip it onto a vine and a big theatre cup that it drains into, i also use the cup to fill the dripper so it can't over flow. I made the mistake of dripping it into my plant only to find an inch of water at the bottom of my cage.. Thank God I and using a glass terrarium or my living room would have been a mess!
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