Need HELP to maintain Humidity



Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Jackson, Male, Baby(Unknown), 1 week

Handling - Only have a few times for cage purposes (moving etc.)

Feeding - Currently only crickets (Small). Tried mealworms but wont eat them

Supplements - ZooMed: ReptiCalciumw/D3 Noted NOT TO USE D3 will buy another.

Watering - 3 sources of water: ALL contain water conditioner
1. Dripper
2. ReptiRain
3. ReptiFogger
So far this has been my lay out.. reason being is because im having problems with humidity.

I have the fogger running all day
with the reptirain spraying every hour for 1min (Max)
and finally have the dripper for about an hour x2 day

Fecal Description - Rarely all green usually brown. thin dropping but seems usual. NO.

History - All i know is that i bought her at the swatmeet for $60 and supposedly just got off the plane ehen purchased


Cage Info:

Cage Type - Reduced size from zoo med extra large to Zilla™ Fresh Air Habitat [20x18x12]

Lighting - ZooMed (Dual: UVB 5.0 w/ Daylight Blue) Set on timer from 6a.m.- 6p.m on right
Fluker's Mini Sun Dome Reptile Lamp (Night heat Red) from 6a.m on left
when daylight/uvb on cool area on left
when night is on cool area on right

Temperature - Usually at 80 all day w/petco humidty gauge on back of screen cage.

Humidity - HELP HELP HELP! CONSISTANLY JUMPS FROM -0 TO 80. Humidity gauge from petco on back of screen cage.
*Note: towel was just recently put around to keep "Fog" or "Moisture" inside as much as possible specifically for humidity

-Eco earth soil with moss for flooring to help humidity

Plants - Yes live plants: Boxwood

Placement - Not to distant from under fan (usually NOT on), right side is room dor and left side is bed.
I do have a heater because it can get very cold in my room and to try to keep room temperature for my cham.
*Note there are children that come in and out of my room obviously can be sometimes loud and i understand this may be a problem but i have no were else to put my cham.

Location - Where are you geographically located? SoCal

Also if anyone has different insects to sell please contact me i have only been feeding small crickets

Thank you for viewing and taking the time to assist me for my Chameleon!
cool thanks guys very much appreciated.. ive gottena better gauge (digital) and moved it around. everything is fine, i think the problem is the where the recent gauge was at the water wasn't there only when the repttirain would spray and fall on the gauge is when it would go up. but he hasnt been eating too well and a very severe shedding problem and this is the first ive seen shedding but eveni know it was bad.. his back doesnt even look like scales anymore so im going to focus more on water than food..

agian thank you for taking yur time to help me guys!
Read the caresheet posted above. Get rid of the night light. its not needed and will interupt the chams sleep. if you need heat at night use a ceramic heat bulb that gives off no light.
I've heard that wild caught animals can have some dramatic sheds in the beginning (thick, yellowy). If you are in the LA area Rainbow Mealworms in Compton, CA has a wide variety of feeders for sale.
You need more climbing areas for your cham. Get branches from outside, sterilize them, and put them vertically and horizontally. Put a horizontal branch under the basking spot.
you are measuring humidity near the basking spot...?
Humidity is going to be lower where it's warm, also the gauges often aren't very accurate
I have had the same problem with maintaining the humidity in CJ's cage. I just posted about it last week. He has been grumpier than normal, not eating, rubbing on branches and was ashy all over his poor body. I bought a warm mist humidifier and have that running beside the cage. I have a Dragonstrand clear side cage and the humidifier is on the screen side. It really did not make much difference until I put a sheet of plastic over the whole wall and the humidifier is under the plastic (similar to a shower curtain). Within 2 days CJ had completely shed and is eating again. But I agree those gauges are not very reliable.
okay guys thanks for getting back to me i've been busy things came up but umm..

I've notice that hes been climbing (not falling) down at the bottom of his cage and kind of settling there a few times.. i'm guessing it's because hes hunting, sometimes the crickets hide at the floor but is it normal? arent they supposed to stay up top?

So i took out the red nightlight.
1) only had it there because i read somewhere to have heat in at all times between 80-95
2) will defenitely put more climbing and a horizontal stick under basking area
3) honestly dont think i need it (please correct me if i'm wrong) because i always keep the room temp around 75 and have the daylight/uvb lamp to take basking spot to around 90-100 if he does want to be warmer and a fog/mister on the other side for cooling.

Thanks for the tip on the feeders guys so far he only eaten crickets and wax worms.. any other thing i could give him at his very SMALL age/size?
Also i always gutload his crickets but i have coated them with calcium+D3 x2 a week and read somewehere that d3 is not good for chams can someone kind elaborate on the coating and if i'm not give him d3 maybe name a brand that excludes it?

So my placement for temperature i have directly under the basking spot and the humidity in the cooling area.
I have had the same problem with maintaining the humidity in CJ's cage. I just posted about it last week. He has been grumpier than normal, not eating, rubbing on branches and was ashy all over his poor body. I bought a warm mist humidifier and have that running beside the cage. I have a Dragonstrand clear side cage and the humidifier is on the screen side. It really did not make much difference until I put a sheet of plastic over the whole wall and the humidifier is under the plastic (similar to a shower curtain). Within 2 days CJ had completely shed and is eating again. But I agree those gauges are not very reliable.

No well so far that i've noticed it's just his eating habits.. thanks for the tip maintaining humidity.
Thanks for the help and awesome tip's guy.. hopefully a year from now if i'm doing everything right i' can share my experiences to help others as you all are with me! Very much appreciated!
So i went to the reptile show and.. after speaking to pro's got the advice of exactly what to do.

Cleaned out my boy's cage set everything up properly and couldn't find him after... =( looked for hour's.
After ALL the money and hour's of research can't give up, looking to get another one. Want a jack and panth.
So i went to the reptile show and.. after speaking to pro's got the advice of exactly what to do.

Cleaned out my boy's cage set everything up properly and couldn't find him after... =( looked for hour's.
After ALL the money and hour's of research can't give up, looking to get another one. Want a jack and panth.
Wait. You lost your cham? In the house?? That's pretty much impossible to do. Look high...they're always trying to go as high as possible.

Hopefully you don't have a cat or dog that may have gotten him.
yeah.. we actually have both.. a house dog/cat assuming not the worst =( and trust, I've looked everywhere for him EVERYWHERE.

will definitely try looking at night never heard of that but i'm all up for possibilities no matter how small they are!
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