Hey all,
I'm considering adopting an adult female. I have an adult male. I *know* they can't be in the same enclosure, so I'm not asking that... but can they be in the same room with getting stressed out by one another?
Well, I decided to adopt her, sight unseen. Brought her home yesterday. She appears to be healthy, and hydrated. Seems like she has a good appetitie, though I haven't seen her eat yet (as in witnessing), she's had a hornworm and a super worm today. But darned if she doesn't look gravid to me. They said she is 2 years old, and has not laid eggs yet. She's much smaller than I anticipated, being yeard old. Don't want to freak her out by putting a ruler right on her, but I esitamte 5 or 5 1/2 inches from nose to vent.
So I put a bucket in her enclosure with a few inches of sand/peat. Figured since she's alreaded stressed from a new home, may as well get the bucket in there, then I can just add more dirt.
She is quite "fat" but I can't make out eggs. So not sure how far along she is.
All advise is welcomed.
I've worked through a gravid female once before with a rescue. Interestingly, she also was gravid when I got her...