New Member
Chameleon Info:
* i have a female veiled chameleon
*she is 5 months.
*I have had her for about a week and a half.
* I have had handle her atleast 3 times. *Im feeding my chameleon medium and large crickets i have only feed her superworms ones.Feeding -
* i usually put 10 to 15 crickets a day i put them in like around 10am everyday.
*im feeding the crikets with orage cubes i got it at petsmart ill upload some pictures of the products as well.
*for the calcium im using one called REP CAL with calcium and vitamin d3. Im not using any vitamims at the moment. Which ones should i use and how often??* for theWatering i have a spray bottle which i use 2 to 6 times a day and i also but a dripper today -
*at first she woul drink water today that i installed the dripper she was sleeping or with her eyes closed, even though u was moving the cage a little she would not open her eyes.
*i did not see her drinking water today but she did eat.
*her poop is either white or few times black or darkbrown and i think she poops everyday im not sure.
*she has never been tested for parasited atleast not with me.
*today i saw her moving and chilling on a brach and it seemed like she couldnt balanced herself.History -
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen
*for the lighting im using the ones that come in the REPTIBREEZE CHAMELEON KIT.
*uv light from 6am to 7pm
*the heat light 24/7Temperature -
*for the temperature i use a thermometer/humitity gauge and is usually 85 to 90F at the top and 70 to 75 at bottom. Humitity is a 78%
*im not using any live plants.
*my cage is in the livingroom..it is not near any fans.
*the top of the cage is 5 ft above theroom floor.
* i live in los angeles california
Current problem...
So she was very active,moving around eating like crazy,drinking i guess like any normal chameleon, until yesterday she started sleeping during the day or maybe she only had her eyes closed . She did the same today, she ate but then went to her spott and closed her eyes am i doing something wrong do i need to provide with more things.. let me know please
* i have a female veiled chameleon
*she is 5 months.
*I have had her for about a week and a half.
* I have had handle her atleast 3 times. *Im feeding my chameleon medium and large crickets i have only feed her superworms ones.Feeding -
* i usually put 10 to 15 crickets a day i put them in like around 10am everyday.
*im feeding the crikets with orage cubes i got it at petsmart ill upload some pictures of the products as well.
*for the calcium im using one called REP CAL with calcium and vitamin d3. Im not using any vitamims at the moment. Which ones should i use and how often??* for theWatering i have a spray bottle which i use 2 to 6 times a day and i also but a dripper today -
*at first she woul drink water today that i installed the dripper she was sleeping or with her eyes closed, even though u was moving the cage a little she would not open her eyes.
*i did not see her drinking water today but she did eat.
*her poop is either white or few times black or darkbrown and i think she poops everyday im not sure.
*she has never been tested for parasited atleast not with me.
*today i saw her moving and chilling on a brach and it seemed like she couldnt balanced herself.History -
Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen
*for the lighting im using the ones that come in the REPTIBREEZE CHAMELEON KIT.
*uv light from 6am to 7pm
*the heat light 24/7Temperature -
*for the temperature i use a thermometer/humitity gauge and is usually 85 to 90F at the top and 70 to 75 at bottom. Humitity is a 78%
*im not using any live plants.
*my cage is in the livingroom..it is not near any fans.
*the top of the cage is 5 ft above theroom floor.
* i live in los angeles california
Current problem...
So she was very active,moving around eating like crazy,drinking i guess like any normal chameleon, until yesterday she started sleeping during the day or maybe she only had her eyes closed . She did the same today, she ate but then went to her spott and closed her eyes am i doing something wrong do i need to provide with more things.. let me know please