need some help..


New Member
Chameleon Info:
* i have a female veiled chameleon
*she is 5 months.
*I have had her for about a week and a half.
* I have had handle her atleast 3 times. *Im feeding my chameleon medium and large crickets i have only feed her superworms ones.Feeding -
* i usually put 10 to 15 crickets a day i put them in like around 10am everyday.
*im feeding the crikets with orage cubes i got it at petsmart ill upload some pictures of the products as well.
*for the calcium im using one called REP CAL with calcium and vitamin d3. Im not using any vitamims at the moment. Which ones should i use and how often??* for theWatering i have a spray bottle which i use 2 to 6 times a day and i also but a dripper today -
*at first she woul drink water today that i installed the dripper she was sleeping or with her eyes closed, even though u was moving the cage a little she would not open her eyes.
*i did not see her drinking water today but she did eat.
*her poop is either white or few times black or darkbrown and i think she poops everyday im not sure.
*she has never been tested for parasited atleast not with me.
*today i saw her moving and chilling on a brach and it seemed like she couldnt balanced herself.History -

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen
*for the lighting im using the ones that come in the REPTIBREEZE CHAMELEON KIT.
*uv light from 6am to 7pm
*the heat light 24/7Temperature -
*for the temperature i use a thermometer/humitity gauge and is usually 85 to 90F at the top and 70 to 75 at bottom. Humitity is a 78%
*im not using any live plants.
*my cage is in the is not near any fans.
*the top of the cage is 5 ft above theroom floor.
* i live in los angeles california

Current problem...
So she was very active,moving around eating like crazy,drinking i guess like any normal chameleon, until yesterday she started sleeping during the day or maybe she only had her eyes closed . She did the same today, she ate but then went to her spott and closed her eyes am i doing something wrong do i need to provide with more things.. let me know please


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*for the calcium im using one called REP CAL with calcium and vitamin d3. Im not using any vitamims at the moment. Which ones should i use and how often??* for theWatering i have a spray bottle which i use 2 to 6 times a day and i also but a dripper today -
*at first she woul drink water today that i installed the dripper she was sleeping or with her eyes closed, even though u was moving the cage a little she would not open her eyes.

Use pure Calcium for every feed, and D3 about once a month, to much D3 can cause issues, as for drinking, they do not always drink the water they are supplied, often getting all the hydration from the prey.

As for closed eyes during the day, she might be about to slough this can cause the eyes to become irritated, I would monitor for a further 24 hours, then consider a vet.

However I would also check back for other responses.
You have only had her a week and a half so the giving her the d3 everyday for that short of a period is not going to effect her. Overtime if you would continue to do so, then you may have some problems with overdosing on the d3. The closing of her eyes is of great concern. It has nothing to do with her shedding or "slough" as stated by the other member. I would get a laying bin in her cage. She is young, but females can lay eggs at around 6 months. I just saw a chameleon on FB that was only 5 months and full of undeveloped eggs. Unfortunately, she passed away. The owner could not figure out why and had a necropsy done. To his shock she was loaded with eggs. Usually when they go off food, look fatter(but not always) and start going to the bottom of the cage, they are looking for a place to lay. If you look in the chameleon breeding section there is a video on how to set up a laying bin. If you don't need it now, you might later. They do lay eggs without being bred in case you are not aware of this. You might want to bump your basking temp down some. Alot of people like to keep the temps lower as it is thought is helps keep egg production down. Definitely get rid of the substrate. She could eat it intentionally or accidentally shooting for prey that might be loose. Nothing on the bottom is best. I don't know anything about that tropical mist you are using. What does it contain? Has she been drinking it? I have never seen or heard of anyone using that. We all use water. As far as the orange cubes you are much better off using fresh oranges and feed your crickets a variety of fresh fruits and veggies. Remember, what your feeders eat is passed on to your chameleon. I would definitely have a fecal done on your chameleon to rule out parasites. This can be done at your vet, but you have to take a fresh sample of poop in. Also, an xray would not hurt to rule out any egg issues. Usually, eye closing during the day is a sign of illness. Sometimes it can be the lighting also if it is too strong. Hopefully she did not pick up a piece of the mulch and cannot digest it. If what you are describing continues, I would get her to a vet and have the things checked out that I mentioned. Good luck.
Use pure Calcium for every feed, and D3 about once a month, to much D3 can cause issues, as for drinking, they do not always drink the water they are supplied, often getting all the hydration from the prey.

As for closed eyes during the day, she might be about to slough this can cause the eyes to become irritated, I would monitor for a further 24 hours, then consider a vet.

However I would also check back for other responses.
Thank you very much.. i did not know about the vitamin d ill make sure not to give it that often...
The heat lights are on all day and night??? How can she sleep at night?? They need to have all the lights out at night and they don't need heat at night unless your temperatures are in the lower 60'sF.

As was said, it's recommended that you do not use a supplement with D3 in any more than twice a month. This ensures that the chameleon gets some D3 without overdosing it and leaving the chameleon to produce the rest of the D3 from its exposure to the UVB light. D3 from supplements can build up in the system and lead to health issues while D3 from exposure to UVB won't likely build up as long as the chameleon can move in and out of the UVB when it wants to.

Since most feeder insects have a poor ratio of calcium to phosphorous its important to dust with a phosphorous-free calcium powder at most feedings to make up for it.

It's also recommended that you dust twice a month with a vitamin powder that contains a beta carotene (prOformed) source of vitamin A. PrOformed sources of vitamin A cannot build up in the system and lead to overdoses like prEformed sources can and will leave it up to you to decide whether the chameleon needs prEformed or not.

Hope this helps.
Like @kinyonga said turn the light off at night that could be why she is sleeping during the day because she isn't sleeping at night. Don't worry about the temps the cool down is beneficial to them. If the eyes don't open back up real soon I would definitely take her to a reptile vet. Can we get some pics of her? And like @carol5208 said you should get a laying ben in ASAP here is a video of how to do it.
I see the pic of her (missed it the first time) she don't look gravid to me, but I would definitely get the laying ben in she will need it soon.
I said get rid of that junk orange fake jello n give some real nice fresh vegetables gutloaded ur crickets.cause she is not happy in that stomach right now,if I feed u with whooper all day,u be lying down on ur sofa until u feel better too,go shop some collard green,mustard green n start treating ur chamy a nice gutloaded feeder , Before she start closing more her eyes n dream about the nice healthy buffets :)
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