Need to Buy a Mist King...Help?


New Member
First of all, thank you everyone for all the help you've already given me. Now I need to buy a Mist King and I see that they are backordered. I remember reading that they can run up to 10 cages off one system. I need to run at least 3. Will I need to buy more than just the basic set up? Thanks a lot all.
First of all, thank you everyone for all the help you've already given me. Now I need to buy a Mist King and I see that they are backordered. I remember reading that they can run up to 10 cages off one system. I need to run at least 3. Will I need to buy more than just the basic set up? Thanks a lot all.

Yeah, you will need a couple more nozzles to go with the basic setup only comes with one.

I run almost 20 cages off of one pump (not mistking) but I believe mist kings pump is either better or basically the same.

Contact Marty @ mistking should be back tomorrow according to his web site. He is extremely helpful.
Hey thanks Ryan. I really appreciate it. :) I've been using a hand mister like you would see in a hair salon. For my 4' cage, I'm seriously going to get a muscle cramp trying to mist it right. Since they're on backorder, has anyone used those hand pump hand misters that are green and look like Brad's avatar? If these work well, this could get me by until they aren't backordered.
You can always use a pump up pesticide sprayer. Before I got my auto mister I switched to one of thos. It helps a ton. Make sure it has never been used for anything of course. Might hold you off till they get more in without looking like popeye.
You can always use a pump up pesticide sprayer. Before I got my auto mister I switched to one of thos. It helps a ton. Make sure it has never been used for anything of course. Might hold you off till they get more in without looking like popeye.

I agree. We used to hand mist and thought our hands were going to fall off until we started using a pesticide sprayer (brand new and never used with pesticides!). We have since moved on to an automatic misting system for our cages and it is fabulous. The systems are a little expensive but your chams would probably say "well worth the price!".
If mistking is back ordered you can give Nic a call at one of our site sponsors:) he sells mistking products.
thank you thank you everyone. :D I'll go get one of those UNused pesticide sprayers for now. Thanks for the heads up Cains. I talked to Nic and he has the larger systems right now. He's a super nice guy, but I was hoping to get the 100. one instead of 189. one. I can wait till they come in and use the pesticide sprayer.
i use the hand held one on my two cages and it is amazing. i can mist for ttwo to three minutes without the pain im my hand like the salon style P.O.S. you will be happy with it. i tried the one with the hose on it and didnt like it. hand held is better IMO:D
^^thanks man! Such a genius idea! I'm so glad I didn't buy the little pump one at petsmart today that held less water than the salon pos I have.
Wow, I can't believe I haven't been using one of these pump sprays from the beginning! It is a huge difference. Thank you so much all.
16 ounce MistyMate

I purchased a 16 ounce MistyMate personal mister to spritz with and it is wonderful. You can see it here,0/option,com_virtuemart/Itemid,26/vmcchk,1/ . I saw it mentioned here . It is a hand pump unit with a tube and valve assembly. It emits a VERY fine mist and you can control the mist pressure with the valve on the application tube. This is nice because your hand doesn't get tired as you try to hang in there till your cham gets the message that it's time to drink. Because the mist is so fine the other advantage is very little water accumulates over a much longer spray time compared to standard spritz bottles. Another plus is the cham doesn't get the "bucket of water in the face" effect, as the spray is very gentle.

You may only want to fill it to the bottom of the internal siphon assembly (about 3" down from top of bottle) and don't over-pump it. It only needs 5 pumps or so to pump for a long time when the bottle is filled as mentioned above. When the water level gets lower you only want to pump it perhaps 10 times at the most. Be careful of other models other than the one shown in the green carry bag on the referenced web site above. I read that some of the other models don't hold up when preheated water is used in them. You can get good deals on eBay at times.

I eliminated the carry case using a small wrench to unscrew the tube from the bottle and then slid the carry case off. It's more practical for cham spritzing that way. You need to be VERY careful if you do this, however, as it will probably void the warranty if you remove the tube to get the case off and then reinstall the tube as I did. You also run the risk of wrecking something. Do at your own risk, as they say.
I was going to get a mist king also until I saw they were back ordered. You might consider the promist, they make a really nice product as well. I ordered the pm60.
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