I am sorry to bother you all but I am having problems with my sons 18 month Chameleon (Bo) Things have been fine up until about 2 days ago when we noticed him just sitting on the limb not really moving at all. He seams to be very lathargic and not eating or drinking. Yesterday I went in and found him hanging upside down by his tail so I took him down and then called the vet. After talking with a couple of local vets they recomended me to call a certain reptile vet and I did and took him in. To tell you the thruth they really didnt know what was wrong and i think they just wanted my money. Anyway now he is just sitting on the bottom of his cage not moving and i hate to see him in pain. I am not sure what to do. The vet yesterday gave me some antibiotics for a possible upper respratory told me that they hope he gets better and sent me on my way. So I am now looking for advice from people that know these animals. What should I do and what should I expect?