New 3 Month Nosy Mitsio x Nosy Faly - High Traffic Area


New Member
Hi All,

After much research I finally picked up my Panther Chameleon. I one question with where his enclosure is located within my condo. Unfortunately, I live in a small high-rise condo with little space. I currently have him in my living room which is connected to my kitchen.

I know Chameleons are very solitary animals and prefer to live in a quiet location. With this location being semi high traffic, will it stress my chameleon?

See attached pictures, any help would be much appreciated.


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Congrats on the new chameleon - and kudos for doing your research first.

Every chameleon is different in that way. Just like how some can be handled, while others can be aggressive. What I would do to make sure he's comfortable is to add more foliage and branches so he can find a place to hide if he doesn't want to feel exposed.

Noise I wouldn't worry about. Chameleons can't hear very well.

In a few months your chameleon will be a lot bigger than he is now and will eventually need a bigger cage.
Why do you have the cage all covered up? That is not necessary, unless it is night time of course and there are lights on around. I think people tend to kind of over react about the stress levels sometimes. I have mine in my computer room in plain sight and they don't seem to be bothered by me or my family at all.
We have ours in our kitchen, high traffic area. We are just sure to cover with a sheet/blanket if we are in the kitchen after the lights go out. I think they get used to it. Sometimes our female panther is right at the front of the cage and is fine and sometimes she hides in the back corner, just depends what she is doing. She definitely doesn't hide when she is sleeping which I find weird.
I don't think it will cause much stress but it may be stressed by so little foliage. P.S Foshizzle is a hilarious name.
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