New Member
Any mating or any new litters from either of the females?
Both females appear to be prego again.. one of them looks like she needs to pop, I expected her to a while back. Not sure if the male is breeding or not, I haven't caught anyone in the act. Pretty little fellow. They are all piggy, all doing well. The little female that had the mouth infection has almost completely healed up. She seems content.. one more shed, and you won't be able to tell she ever had baytril shots, thank goodness. They spent a week or so in a cage in the house because the temps in the shop were wayyyy too hot for them. They just moved back out after I installed an air conditioner yesterday. Babies are still in the house.. I think I will move them out to the shop tomorrow.
Pop a pair or trio of the babies in the mail for me. I need to get back into the bitans. Big time.
Sure, Trace. Wait another month and I will ship some up to ya.. labeled as a fruit cake?