new arrival today


New Member

I just got my new little male sambava cham today, at a local reptile show. He is about 2,5 months old, so a bit joung but ate and drank.
Im not sure about the name but Hercules seems fine, his fathers name is Zeus, so why not:p
Of course he is camera shy, and has lots of leaves to hide behind, so he use them to hide from the fearsome camera :D Later i'm gonna take more pictures, when he settled.
Thanks :D I hope I can make photos in every months, or weeks, so we can see how he is growing! (poke me if i forget to post..hehe) :)
Sounds like here in southern Alberta, Canada. All the same species, with a few others tossed in occasionally. Except we don't see Hoehnelii... at least I've never seen hoehnelii, or a lot of montains, Probably a good thing as its super dry here. 20 to 30% usually.
The average price for a Jackson's here is about 143 USD, its about 30.000 HUF. Its for a single male/female. Its not too much difference betveen males and females, 10 dollars maybe or so.
Congrats on your new sambava. He looks real good. Definately post pictures as he's growing.
Hi Guys,

As i promised here is a picture, and more coming on the week.

Its 15 days after the first one taken, so Hercules is 3 months old now, and started to grow significantly on this week. He still eats and drinks, walks around the cage i made, because he didnt feel confortable on the temporarly used glass terrarium.

Herkules himself :)

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