New Baby Chameleon? Help please


New Member
Hello guys,
I have found a baby chameleon, and bought a small aquarium for it, and put some leaves and small branches for it.

The problem is feeding it! Please help me I went to a pet store, they have no chameleon food, and I can't catch insects for it, and can't catch enough even..

Note: It looks EXACTLY like this (I mean exactly same legs same head same everything)

BUT in this image it looks too long but its only ABOUT 1 inch (without tail) maybe longer.

so heres the image

Any idea what/how can I feed it? Please quick I'm afraid it dies or gets sick..
And any ideas how to let it drink water too?
You can feed bean or pea aphids, Pygmy white isopods, wet wood termites, among other things. Non of the species I mentioned attract ants, infest homes or destry houses. All are very good for tiny chameleons all are less than quarter inch fully grown.

Digby Rigby [email protected]

I can feed it bean, the only thing I can find in home, other things I can't buy/catch I guess..Thanks!

Thank you for quck reply too

Other Questions:
- By the way how do I make it eat, will it eat it or see it if I only put it in the aquarium?
-What about water?
-Any other food ideas that is easy to get? (I can't get any of what he mentiond..I mean all those insects I can't find them..)

Thank you :)
When you say you "found" this chameleon (it's a veiled chameleon), what do you mean? You will have to find a source for live insects or you will lose it..there's no other choice here. Do you mean to say no pet shop in your area has small crickets or mealworms? Hard to believe. Is there a herpetological society in your area? What about a college that might raise small insects for lab animals or research? Check with the biology department. Mealworms will do in a pinch, but don't plan on using them as the primary diet. The insects need to be alive as chams hunt things that move. You can attract and cultivate fruit flies pretty quickly by leaving a chunk of fruit out in the open. Depending on where you live you may be able to attract small moths to a porch light and catch them. Don't feed the cham anything larger or longer than the width between its eyes.

Chams don't drink water out of dishes. It needs to be moving to attract their attention. Put some live or fake plants in the terrarium and spray them down with warm water. The droplets on the leaves will provide drinking water. There is a lot of care information available through this forum's quick links, so do a lot of reading. If you can't provide what the cham will need it will be best to give it to someone who can. Good luck!
When you say you "found" this chameleon (it's a veiled chameleon), what do you mean? You will have to find a source for live insects or you will lose it..there's no other choice here. Do you mean to say no pet shop in your area has small crickets or mealworms? Hard to believe. Is there a herpetological society in your area? What about a college that might raise small insects for lab animals or research? Check with the biology department. Mealworms will do in a pinch, but don't plan on using them as the primary diet. The insects need to be alive as chams hunt things that move. You can attract and cultivate fruit flies pretty quickly by leaving a chunk of fruit out in the open. Depending on where you live you may be able to attract small moths to a porch light and catch them. Don't feed the cham anything larger or longer than the width between its eyes.

Chams don't drink water out of dishes. It needs to be moving to attract their attention. Put some live or fake plants in the terrarium and spray them down with warm water. The droplets on the leaves will provide drinking water. There is a lot of care information available through this forum's quick links, so do a lot of reading. If you can't provide what the cham will need it will be best to give it to someone who can. Good luck!

I went to the pet store and no they don't have crickets or mealworms lab? doesn't have insects..

I'll try the fruit and light things to get insects tho, umm the water issue I think you solved it, I can do spraying in the aquarium..

By the way Digby Rigby, I tried to put beans in the aquarium, the cham didn't touch them yet..
I guess it needs something attractive to catch it while moving, that's for water too..

I hope I can find something to feed it, and I hope spraying water will help it.
When you say beans.. do you mean actual beans :eek:?
like this kind of beans:

What kind of pet store you went to? You need to go to exotic pet store. Crickets or grasshoppers are staples. So, they will usually have one.
Where are you located country wise?

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Chameleons don't eat beans. They eat insects.
Since you are from UK, I suggest connecting with members from UK here to help you sort out its care.

If you have difficulty in giving the baby its basic need such as food, then I would suggest giving it up to people who can basically care for it better.
I am sure members from UK can help you with that.



Umm yeah it's not eating :( that sux I must find something noone sells insects here..and I'm sure noone can take care of it, or noone cares for it, because we don't pet sucha things here, i'm not from UK by the way I just created the account as fast as i could to ask you guys what can I feed it..

well my cham is just standing on the branch that I put on the aquarium and isnt doing anything..doesnt drink the water that I sprayed, doesn't look at the beans.

I must find a solution..i'll do my best to save its life without releasing it.

anymore suggestions for me what to feed it? some way to catch food for baby cham please?

TY for replies, help me saving my baby cham's life
well my cham is just standing on the branch that I put on the aquarium and isnt doing anything..doesnt drink the water that I sprayed, doesn't look at the beans.

I must find a solution..i'll do my best to save its life without releasing it.

anymore suggestions for me what to feed it? some way to catch food for baby cham please?

TY for replies, help me saving my baby cham's life

Where are you from? That will sort out things faster.
If you are from US, then there are a lot of store that sell insects.
Even if there is none nearby, you can always buy online.
Do not release it!

Where did you buy the cham from? Surely they were feeding it? Can you buy insects from them?

Where in the world are you located in case there are forum members in your area?
Umm yeah it's not eating :( that sux I must find something noone sells insects here..and I'm sure noone can take care of it, or noone cares for it, because we don't pet sucha things here, i'm not from UK by the way I just created the account as fast as i could to ask you guys what can I feed it..

well my cham is just standing on the branch that I put on the aquarium and isnt doing anything..doesnt drink the water that I sprayed, doesn't look at the beans.

I must find a solution..i'll do my best to save its life without releasing it.

anymore suggestions for me what to feed it? some way to catch food for baby cham please?

TY for replies, help me saving my baby cham's life

When digby said beans he meant bean beatles, re-read his post, the cham wont eat actual beans, make sure you spray multiple times a day for a couple minutes at a time.
...I have found a baby chameleon...

What part of the world are you located? If you are "over there" then it might be a "European Chameleon":

If you happen to be in the Middle East then it might be a Veiled Chameleon (like in your link).

If you are in the USA then you may have found someone's pet Veiled or one from one of the few established colonies here and there.
Like Dave said,
if you happened to live in Middle East, then it is probably yemen chameleon.
In that case, i don't see why you can't let it go (considering if yemen chameleon is your native fauna).
Hi guys..

I live in Israel, Middle East, I uploaded the images of the cham:

take a look and tell me what kind is this it looks sad or something?

it is finally eating! I found a grape leaf that was full of small buggs (as small as the cham's eyes).
they spread all over the aquarium and its catching them when it wants :)

when I come to watch it it freezes o_O, but i saw her eating after I left the camera recording a video :)

I guess I'll get out of those bugs sooner or later -_-
um and I will keep spraying water, I didn't see it drinking yet, but I'll keep spraying once a while..
and..that's it I guess I must find more bugs and learn how to create a dripping system by myself if i couldn't buy one..

thank you guys.
there is allso a possibility that it could be Chamaeleo arabicus:), Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarife:) or Chamaeleo chamaeleon muse:)... I think it´s really hard to tell when they are so small...

try to catch some flys for the little fellow

there is allso a possibility that it could be Chamaeleo arabicus:), Chamaeleo calyptratus calcarife:) or Chamaeleo chamaeleon muse:)... I think it´s really hard to tell when they are so small...

try to catch some flys for the little fellow

its hard to feed it cant get flys >_<
put a piece of fruit outside, put a cup over it(upside down), then put something large enough to make an opening in the cup (tilted),attatch a string to the object thats keeping the cup open and you have a trap!
why did you take an animal you're not prepared to care for and feed?

a piece of rotting fruit will eventually attract fruit/yeast flies. other options for feeding are small crickets, small locust, small stick insects, small larva (cabbage loppers, silkworms, butterworms, superworms etc), small termites (not ants), small moths, small terrestrial isopods (aka wood sow), aphids, etc
be aware that some bugs are potentially posionous, or the plants theyve been eating are. Cultured bugs are safer than wild caught bugs.
why did you take an animal you're not prepared to care for and feed?

a piece of rotting fruit will eventually attract fruit/yeast flies. other options for feeding are small crickets, small locust, small stick insects, small larva (cabbage loppers, silkworms, butterworms, superworms etc), small termites (not ants), small moths, small terrestrial isopods (aka wood sow), aphids, etc
be aware that some bugs are potentially posionous, or the plants theyve been eating are. Cultured bugs are safer than wild caught bugs.

If you see flies outside and you can go up to them slowly then hold the chameleon on your finger and put it close to the fly, close enough so that the cham can see the fly then just wait till the chameleon eats it, thats what i do with WC chameleons that I collect.
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