New baby jacksons


New Member
I just unpacked my new baby jacksons from Fl chameleons. He is in his baby cage right now but how long should I wait before I offer food and water? I want him to get used to his cage so I don't stress him too much.
He is sooo cute!
Congrats! :D These babies need cooler temps and more water and higher humidity. I spray Monty twice a day and the first thing I do every morning is drop water drops onto a leaf near him using a plastic pipette, and he will drink straight away most mornings. Baby Jacksons are so cute! I can't wait to see pics of yours! Have you given baby a name yet?
His name is Rex. I misted him and set up a dripper and he is drinking. He doesn't seem scared of me just curious. I'm afraid his cage may be too big for him. It is from Kammerflage and is 18x24x30. He has live and silk plants.
A bulb for heat 88 degrees and ambient temp day 74-78. A UVB 5.0 flourescent. I am used to the humidity thing as I also have Dart frogs and carpet pythons. right now I have fruit flies and tiny crickets but I have ordered Butterworms, wax worms, and silk worms. trying to convince the husband to culture roaches. I have only had him 1 hour and I am in Love!!!
88 degrees is way too hot for a baby Jackson! Please turn it down to 78 - 80 at the most. They also need a good drop in temps at night (at least 10 degrees if you can manage it). Waxworms, butterworms and silkworms will be too big for him to eat unless you ordered really tiny ones. Monty and his clutchmates love mini mealworms, but I only feed the newly moulted white ones. Jackson babies are a lot more curious than Veiled babies! Jacksons will watch you, whereas baby Veileds run and hide if you so much as look at them! Just before Christmas, we were setting up the tree in front of Monty's viv before moving it on to it's table, and he sat at the front watching us the whole time! :D
the light is on a dimmer so I can adjust it. I ordered the tiniest bugs they offered. I can feed them to my chickens if they are too big. I culture meal worms so I do have very tiny ones. I am unsure how old he is but he is about 3 inches long and starting to get his horns.
Yes, please lower that temp - a max of 80 in the hottest part is plenty. Jackson babies do much better when kept cooler, which is why I think Monty and his clutch mates have done so well as they were born in September when our weather started to cool down for winter. I know all the info sounds daunting, but they just have different care needs when compared to a Veiled or Panther.

I have always hand fed Monty a couple of tiny mealworms. He won't look twice at the brown ones, but offer him a white one and he's straight on it, lol! He also loves tiny silkworms, but mine have all grown so much that I only have a few left that are small enough for him now! Most of my silkworms are actually bigger than Monty now, lol!:eek:
Yes, please lower that temp - a max of 80 in the hottest part is plenty. Jackson babies do much better when kept cooler, which is why I think Monty and his clutch mates have done so well as they were born in September when our weather started to cool down for winter. I know all the info sounds daunting, but they just have different care needs when compared to a Veiled or Panther.

I have always hand fed Monty a couple of tiny mealworms. He won't look twice at the brown ones, but offer him a white one and he's straight on it, lol! He also loves tiny silkworms, but mine have all grown so much that I only have a few left that are small enough for him now! Most of my silkworms are actually bigger than Monty now, lol!:eek:

Hello, if I may interrupt but I also have ordered a baby jackson about 5 months old who I expect(hope) to get sometime next week, depending on the weather, but I was wondering what wattage basking bulbs should I use for him and should I also use a low watt ceramic bulb at night since it is still winter here in NY despite the recent 40-50 degree days and low to mid 30's nights. the ambient temperature in my bedroom, where the cage will be kept is in the mid to upper 60's at night.
I also have a reptifogger from zoo med and was wondering if you know if it is possible to split off that hose to be able to use on two cages since I currently have it on my vieled cage only?
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