New baby sleeps during the day


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Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care? Jackson's, male, 1 month old, been in my care for 1 week

Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon? only once so far, to put him in the cage

Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders? Feeding hydei fruit flies and a housefly, I pour a bunch in the cage but have only seen him eat 2-3 at a time, feed in the morning and evening, not gutloading

Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule? Rep-Cal with and without d3 and Rep-Cal herptivite - every other day with calcium no d3

Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking? Little dripper and hand sprayer, mist 2-3 times a day - little dripper has water all the time on a slow drip, yes I have seen him drink
Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites? mostly brown with little white, very firm, not been tested for parasites

History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help

Cage Info:

Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions? screen, dims are 20" x 16" x 15"

Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule? Repti-glo 5.0 tube and 40W incandescent, 7 am to 8 pm

Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps? cage floor 75-76, basking 80-84, measure with temp gun and digital thermometer

Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity? Not currently measuring it, need to get batteries for hygrometer (I know not a good excuse)

Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind? yes, umbrella plant

Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor? in living room, not near any fans or vents, not much traffic in living room (just me and my hubby and we don't have guests very often), cage is about 4 feet from ground

Location - Where are you geographically located? Houston, TX

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about. Sleeps during the day a lot
bring your temps down to upper 70's.

might want to add a cool mister near the cage if your house is dry.

is he/she w/c or c/b?

any pics?
bring your temps down to upper 70's.

might want to add a cool mister near the cage if your house is dry.

is he/she w/c or c/b?

any pics?

Which temps? The basking or over-all?

I will see what I can do about the cool mister, do you mean humidifier?

He is c/b

I'll go take some pics now.

I just got a baby Veiled and she slept alot when I first got her.. Her second week I did things to check to see if she would perk up.. Like Butterflies water training.. Pillow marathons.. I've had her for a little over a month and right now she is digging in her cage...Covered with Tropcail Dirt..
I just got a baby Veiled and she slept alot when I first got her.. Her second week I did things to check to see if she would perk up.. Like Butterflies water training.. Pillow marathons.. I've had her for a little over a month and right now she is digging in her cage...Covered with Tropcail Dirt..

Do what????
ambient low 70's basking 75-78. sorry yes i mean cool humidifier.

how old is your uvb light? maybe change the incandecent with a 25 watt house bulb or raise a 40 watt house bulb higher to achieve proper temps.

have you contacted the breeder?
I just got a baby Veiled and she slept alot when I first got her.. Her second week I did things to check to see if she would perk up.. Like Butterflies water training.. Pillow marathons.. I've had her for a little over a month and right now she is digging in her cage...Covered with Tropcail Dirt..

Forgive me, but could you please explain yourself? Butterflies, water training, pillow marathons. What the heck????? have you filled out the ask for help form????
ambient low 70's basking 75-78. sorry yes i mean cool humidifier.

how old is your uvb light? maybe change the incandecent with a 25 watt house bulb or raise a 40 watt house bulb higher to achieve proper temps.

have you contacted the breeder?

I've got a dimmer on the basking light and I am trying to get it to the correct temps. I think that is going to work.

My UVB is brand new. I got my little guy from a pet store so there is no contacting the breeder.
Hi what a cute little guy you have.

Being that little I would put him in a baby bin this will help keep his humidity up and help him catch food easier. Its just a clear plastic rubbermaid, if you search baby bin you can see pictures of what I'm talking about. I would post links but right now my phone is the only internet access I have.

Like mentioned his basking spot is too hot. Get those batteries asap. Jacksons like cooler temps with higher humidity and can be sensitive to husbandry flaws especially that young and little.

You should also get some little crickets (probley 1/8inch). While fruit flies and house flies are great they cant be as easily gutloaded as crickets and your little guy needs all the nutrients he can get so he can grow big and strong.

I'm confused on your suppliment scheduale, are you giving herptivite everyother day? These guys are sensative to supplements so less is needed and a great gutload is a must.
I personally like to keep my babies in an aquarium until they are 2 months old. But I keep Panthers, so not sure if it would help with Jacksons??
Oh just read Jessica's post, bins work great too!
Hi what a cute little guy you have.

Being that little I would put him in a baby bin this will help keep his humidity up and help him catch food easier. Its just a clear plastic rubbermaid, if you search baby bin you can see pictures of what I'm talking about. I would post links but right now my phone is the only internet access I have.

Like mentioned his basking spot is too hot. Get those batteries asap. Jacksons like cooler temps with higher humidity and can be sensitive to husbandry flaws especially that young and little.

You should also get some little crickets (probley 1/8inch). While fruit flies and house flies are great they cant be as easily gutloaded as crickets and your little guy needs all the nutrients he can get so he can grow big and strong.

I'm confused on your suppliment scheduale, are you giving herptivite everyother day? These guys are sensative to supplements so less is needed and a great gutload is a must.

Do you think a 10 gallon tank will be ok? I will look up the baby bins too.

I've got the basking temp down to 80 degrees using the dimmer. Do you think that might have been the problem?

The only petstore that sells tiny crickets is about an hour away and I plan on going there next weekend, but maybe I can order some tomorrow. I breed mealworms, I will try to get him to eat some of those. I need to put a bowl into his cage first.

I have only had him for a week so I have not given him any herptivite supplment yet, I was planning on doing it tomorrow. I just bought some cricket crack montane mix for his crickets (that I don't have yet)

Do you think he can be saved? I feel so stupid...
Do you think a 10 gallon tank will be ok? I will look up the baby bins too.

I've got the basking temp down to 80 degrees using the dimmer. Do you think that might have been the problem?

The only petstore that sells tiny crickets is about an hour away and I plan on going there next weekend, but maybe I can order some tomorrow. I breed mealworms, I will try to get him to eat some of those. I need to put a bowl into his cage first.

I have only had him for a week so I have not given him any herptivite supplment yet, I was planning on doing it tomorrow. I just bought some cricket crack montane mix for his crickets (that I don't have yet)

Do you think he can be saved? I feel so stupid...

Meal worms are not daily feeders. get crickets asap.
Don't feel stupid theres no reason for it, we all have to learn sometime right?; p

I've seen people keep them in an 10 gallon tank just fine, I just have always used the rubbermaid bins.

If you put him in a tank or bin you may not even need a basking light just the uv. Make sure you measure the temps accurately so you dont cook the little guy, if the bin is in the high 70s your good.

Get those crickets asap! An occasional baby meal worm is not a bad thing just don't over do it. Cricket crack is good stuff but dont forget fruits, greens and veggies

So many people suppliment differently I can only tell you what works for me

For my montanes I dust real light, I give calcium 4x a week, Miner-all 1x a month, herptivite 1x a month and calcium d3 2x a month. If I'm dusting with d3 I replace it with one of the plain calcium dustings.

Hopefull with the changes he'll come around for you.
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Are you using the lid? If so take it off and just lay the uv across the top. Be careful he doesnt get to hot with the basking light.

Other then that it looks good!
The basking light has a dimmer on it and the thermometer right below the lamp is reading 80 degrees (yay!)

If I take the lid off wont he climb out??
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