New baby stressed


Established Member
I just got my new panther chameleon via mail, yesterday from framchams. He was freaking out pretty bad out of the tupperwear but ive left him alone since putting him the cage. As of now hes been in for about 24 hrs (not long i know).
But he is turning black and seems very stressed just spotting us across the house.
He had two crickets yesterday and 3 mistings since.
He is in our living room, and we are staying away as much as possible but he is still bothered. Is there anything i can do to help him relax? And not feel like hes our next snack? Ill include the seller photo of him and some photos of him now. He seems otherwise healthy.


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Also babies like lots of leafy trees and plants to hide in. It gives them a sense of security. I can’t really see from your pictures how many plants he has but if you can look in his cage and spot him immediately then he doesn’t have enough leaf cover to hide in.
Also babies like lots of leafy trees and plants to hide in. It gives them a sense of security. I can’t really see from your pictures how many plants he has but if you can look in his cage and spot him immediately then he doesn’t have enough leaf cover to hide in.
I thought that too, i dont have a ton of folliage right now, unfortunately i have a large pothos in the bottom and the small ficus there in the top. Come summer when more plants are available in stores i would like to get a small leafy tree like a hibiscus and hang pothos vines along the walls and sticks.
I thought about covering the outside of the cage with fake plants
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