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Texas Ranger

Ready's Rainforest
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As some of you know. I have my male Ambanja "Ranger" sired by Screameleons "SoKool". Well I have got him a girlfriend now. Her name is "Sky". Her sire is Screameleons "Gaven". We are hoping for big things out of these two. Both there sires are excelent examples of the local.

So my question is how do I know when she is "Receptive"? She has been turning pinkish latley. I havent been able to get a good "pink" picture of her yet. But tell me what you guys think, about her and the future breeding project.

Here is some updated pictures of Ranger and first time look at Sky, my female.



haha looks like my pair, looks like we're on the same page too, i wanna breed them when she is old enough
Show her to the male and see how she reacts. If she darkens up, hisses, rocks back and forth, or acts overly stressed then she is not receptive. Other than that, if you get no reaction and she freaks out and tries to bite when you put her with the male when he tries to grab her, be ready to separate them.My male had no reaction to the female until they were in the same enclosure together for 5 minutes. I had shown her to him many times before but once he realized she was there he changed completely and rushed her with full mating colors and bobbing his head. I had mine together for 40 minutes one time and she produced 3 fertile clutches from that single mating. Good luck with the project! Looks like they will produce some amazing offspring.
Show her to the male and see how she reacts. If she darkens up, hisses, rocks back and forth, or acts overly stressed then she is not receptive. Other than that, if you get no reaction and she freaks out and tries to bite when you put her with the male when he tries to grab her, be ready to separate them.My male had no reaction to the female until they were in the same enclosure together for 5 minutes. I had shown her to him many times before but once he realized she was there he changed completely and rushed her with full mating colors and bobbing his head. I had mine together for 40 minutes one time and she produced 3 fertile clutches from that single mating. Good luck with the project! Looks like they will produce some amazing offspring.

Thanks for the help. We were wondering if we should just show them each other. By my estimate she is 9 months old now. So we figured she is old enough to breed. I may see what happens tomorow if they catch sight of each other.
Wow I cant believe you had so many good clutches out of one mating. Yeah I hope I get some good babies out of these two.

Thanks for the help.
Thanks for the help. We were wondering if we should just show them each other. By my estimate she is 9 months old now. So we figured she is old enough to breed. I may see what happens tomorow if they catch sight of each other.
Wow I cant believe you had so many good clutches out of one mating. Yeah I hope I get some good babies out of these two.

Thanks for the help.

When my two get together she just turns red, she is about 8.5 months, everything I've read says 1 year is about as early as it should happen. Do you have a crix colony going yet? Those little mouths can get expensive to feed I hear.
Many breeders wait until the female is 65+ grams or 12 months old. Both if possible. I wouldn't personally put such a strain on her little body yet.

Chameleons are confusing. On my first attempt at mating two, the female was not receptive (though pink) but she allowed the male to approach and mount. Nothing happened. Another attempt was tried a month or two later and the male would not cooperate until we showed him a jacksons chameleon. He was on her and she would walk around occasionally and even after many many minutes he wouldn't do it. The jacksons must have pushed his buttons. :) He was very gentle though and massaged her back with his feeties and rubbed his cheek on hers.
Thanks for the help. We were wondering if we should just show them each other. By my estimate she is 9 months old now. So we figured she is old enough to breed. I may see what happens tomorow if they catch sight of each other.
Wow I cant believe you had so many good clutches out of one mating. Yeah I hope I get some good babies out of these two.

Thanks for the help.

while she may be old enough, I would not recamend it. she will still be growing (thus you want that energy to go more towards growth and not fertile eggs), it will shorten her life span, possably case problems with her that is unnessasery, and she would not be as strong as if you waited...

being strong is important because not only will it increase the streangth of her babies, but it will increase the streangth of her female offspring's children.

just my 2 cents.

When my two get together she just turns red, she is about 8.5 months, everything I've read says 1 year is about as early as it should happen. Do you have a crix colony going yet? Those little mouths can get expensive to feed I hear.[/QUOTE

From what Ive read says as early as 7 months old. I thought that sounds too young. But I dont think we actally have it to a science yet. IMO

Yes, I do have a cricket colony going. I get a fresh batch of eggs layed from them weekly. Of course it will be at least another year before I will have babies to feed.
Many breeders wait until the female is 65+ grams or 12 months old. Both if possible. I wouldn't personally put such a strain on her little body yet.

Chameleons are confusing. On my first attempt at mating two, the female was not receptive (though pink) but she allowed the male to approach and mount. Nothing happened. Another attempt was tried a month or two later and the male would not cooperate until we showed him a jacksons chameleon. He was on her and she would walk around occasionally and even after many many minutes he wouldn't do it. The jacksons must have pushed his buttons. :) He was very gentle though and massaged her back with his feeties and rubbed his cheek on hers.

I have heard they are ready to breed as early as 7 months. She is 9 months now. And we have noticed the color changes. And now it seems she is getting a little belly on her. So I wonder if she is going to have a infertal clutch.

Im with you. Chameleons are confusing. And the information contridicks its self. Every thing is "thats how you do this", "No dont do that". In my opinion I think as a whole we dont actally know what all is involved with Reptiles in general. You know like we do with say dogs or cats. Its just live and learn.
while she may be old enough, I would not recamend it. she will still be growing (thus you want that energy to go more towards growth and not fertile eggs), it will shorten her life span, possably case problems with her that is unnessasery, and she would not be as strong as if you waited...

being strong is important because not only will it increase the streangth of her babies, but it will increase the streangth of her female offspring's children.

just my 2 cents.


Oh, by all means I want her body to be strong enough. But if she is going to have a infertal clutch on her own. What is the diffference. Her body still has to produce eggs dead or alive.
But this is just what ive heard and is my 2 cents. Dont read in to it to much:)
I go mostly by size and weight. If shes fully grown and she's been showing receptive colors I see no harm in breeding her. If she's properly fed and given the approp husbandry she should have no issues being bred. It doesnt matter whether the cham is ten months or ten years if they dont have the approp care they arent going to thrive in captivity. With that being said if this is your first attempt at breeding I would err on the side of caution with all the choices I made. Your going to be learning on the fly so to speak. ;)

My female faly laid three clutches from only one pairing. So take that into account when you breed her. She may produce up to three possibly four clutches back to back. So you need to make sure she starts this process in the best possible condition. ;)
Many breeders wait until the female is 65+ grams or 12 months old. Both if possible. I wouldn't personally put such a strain on her little body yet.

Chameleons are confusing. On my first attempt at mating two, the female was not receptive (though pink) but she allowed the male to approach and mount. Nothing happened. Another attempt was tried a month or two later and the male would not cooperate until we showed him a jacksons chameleon. He was on her and she would walk around occasionally and even after many many minutes he wouldn't do it. The jacksons must have pushed his buttons. :) He was very gentle though and massaged her back with his feeties and rubbed his cheek on hers.

im confused at the first part... you wouldnt personally put such a strain on her little body yet? YOU BRED URS AT 38 grams:rolleyes:
Current weights as of today.
Sky is 71 grams
Ranger is 122 grams

They should be ready. But still no luck. They just hang out in the cage and dont do any thing. No fighting or you know.

What do yall think?
I would just separate them until she shows receptive colors.

Oh wow, didn't see those replies.

If you read my thread you all would have seen that it was under special circumstances and I had already spoken to several experienced breeders and keepers who (all but one) said that I should do it. Not to mention she was 17 MONTHS OLD when I bred her. She has also seen several vets and has checked out fine.

And as for starving one, I did no such thing. When I thought my male was a female I did feed him less, but it ended up not mattering anyways as he is still small even though several vets have seen him and can't figure it out either. It has been more than a year since then. Thanks. And just so you know, he is completely free fed and allowed to eat as he chooses. (as is the female who did not lay a clutch until she was bred, and it doesn't look like she will produce another one.)
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Wow :) Yes we have two fertal clutches from sky now and they are nice and white. I am hopeing this pairing will make some of the best looking Ambanjas out there.:D

Here is a picture of Ranger from a few days ago he was looking at another male.



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