crazy faerie
New Member
Hey all 
My names Amy, I live in Wales and have got a baby chameleon I need some help with...
I got my new friend on February 12th and she was 8 weeks old at the time...she is a Yemen that I got from a private breeder in my area...
I have a few concerns about her though, she eats like a pig but does not seem to be getting any bigger!
This is a picture of her on the day we picked her up:
These are some pictures of her today:
As you can see she has grown slightly but has only put on 2g in weight (from 5g to 7g)
She is fed on a mixture of locusts and crickets an the occasional meal worm and wax worm...she drinks everyday and poo's fine...she has had 3 sheds since we've had her also.
Every other day I dust her food with nutrobal and she has a brand new uv tube that is on for 12 hours a day.
She is very active and comes out a few times a week which she seems quite happy to do. She's very friendly an has now started eating from feeding tongs which is cool
Also her back legs look a bit bowed to me? I have no clue if they are supposed to look like that but I'm a bit paranoid there is something wrong with her
she walks with no problems at all so it's not an issue but if mbd is coming I want to stop it now.
Any advise at all is so much appreciated
Much love and blessings, Ames x
My names Amy, I live in Wales and have got a baby chameleon I need some help with...
I got my new friend on February 12th and she was 8 weeks old at the time...she is a Yemen that I got from a private breeder in my area...
I have a few concerns about her though, she eats like a pig but does not seem to be getting any bigger!
This is a picture of her on the day we picked her up:

These are some pictures of her today:

As you can see she has grown slightly but has only put on 2g in weight (from 5g to 7g)
She is fed on a mixture of locusts and crickets an the occasional meal worm and wax worm...she drinks everyday and poo's fine...she has had 3 sheds since we've had her also.
Every other day I dust her food with nutrobal and she has a brand new uv tube that is on for 12 hours a day.
She is very active and comes out a few times a week which she seems quite happy to do. She's very friendly an has now started eating from feeding tongs which is cool
Also her back legs look a bit bowed to me? I have no clue if they are supposed to look like that but I'm a bit paranoid there is something wrong with her
Any advise at all is so much appreciated
Much love and blessings, Ames x