New CB OE Parsons keeper

Your female Calumma parsonii parsonii maybe carrying an infertile clutch of eggs. If that is the case you are going to want to put her in a laying enclosure and be ready to take her to the vet for an oxytocin shot (spelling?!?). That is to prevent egg binding and have her lay the infertile clutch. Calumma parsonii parsonii females have got problems when they cannot lay infertile clutches.

Best Regards
Jeremy A. Rich
Thank you, will do! Hoped to find the difference in behavior, coloration etc.
Female and male Parson’s can become quite restless when it’s time for them to mate. They will often spend time trying to get out of their enclosures in an effort to find a mate. Females that are gravid will usually start exploring for places to lay but this behavior is different than when the are looking to mate. If your female is indeed looking to mate then there is a good possibility she is developing follicles and could produce infertile eggs.

You should definitely have some lay spots available for her. They can be a bit fussy about where they want to lay so having some different options is a good idea.

It’s been my experience that most females (I’ve had many) typically don’t produce infertile clutches unless they are somehow stimulated to produce follicles. That usually occurs if they can see other chameleons especially males. It’s possible even seeing males of a different species might trigger this.

It can be very difficult to tell if female Parson’s are gravid. I don’t really notice color any changes. They also have pretty stout body structures and can have good size fat pads so visibly it can be next to impossible to tell. Sometime you a palpitate their bellies and feel the eggs but this can take a bit of experience. Having an X-ray is the best way to be sure.
That doesn’t sound hopeful 😔. I’ll make some more laying spots for her next to ones she has.

I’ll keep you posted.
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