Chameleon Enthusiast
So I only have two chams but I just remodeled this room and tried to incorporate some good interior design into it also. Dont freak about the bird. Romeo will be going by the bird and he could care less about her! Also, yes the chams can see each other but they have been hanging out on the patio on seperate ends and have been fine. I got it covered, don't you worry! I have one more thing to do and that is to suspend ropes all around the room so they can climb around. I used all fake plants,first time doing that. They are not even using the cages right now as they have been outside most of the day and sleeping out on my patio at night. They will be coming in soon enough as it is getting pretty hot down here in Florida. Lastly, is my granddog Saige who seems to have taken a liking to my new chairs! Hope you like what I've done so far!